Difficult to save 3 billion euros, without giving rise to anger and anxiety. The new chairman of the management board of the Société du Grand Paris (SGP), Thierry Dallard, appointed in June, is beginning to experience it. The engineer has been tasked by the government to carry out the realization of this network of 200 kilometers of subway lines, 68 stations and 7 technical centers, reducing by almost 10 % a bill forward that has swollen up to reach 35 billion euros. It was enough of a declaration of reckless during his press conference back-to-school, Tuesday, September 25, to start a fire among the elect of Ile-de-France.
Also read :
Thierry Dallard, chief of construction of the Grand Paris Express
In question : the implementation of costly technical equipment enabling the interconnection in Champigny (Val-de-Marne) two lines of the future metro station, 15 South and 15 East. To avoid that passengers have to go down on the dock and change the train two huge books of entonnement ” underground are provided, allowing a portion of the trains continue on the next line and not stop at the bus terminal. The bill : € 200 million for each book, with 400 million euros in total, according to figures often advanced, but not confirmed by the SGP.