In July of next year, Bordeaux will only be 2: 05 to Paris (against 3: 14) ; Angouleme and Poitiers are respectively 1h43 and 1h15 from the capital.
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On the eve of the passage at high speed of the link Tours-Bordeaux, the network publishes the figures of the real estate of the path of the LGV Sud Europe Atlantique (SEA).
The market of the former boosted to Bordeaux, Angoulême and Poitiers + 6.1% and + 5.7% for : it is the increase which benefits the real estate market in old Bordeaux and Angoulême, two cities located on the route of the High Speed Line South Europe Atlantic.
The very strong growth of real estate prices is confirmed on the axis TGV where the price of apartments per m2 has gone, in the space of a year, from 1009 to 1064 with Angoulême and 3059 to 3250 in Bordeaux.
The departments of the Charente and the Gironde show, respectively, an increase of the price per m2 of 3.6% and 5.3% against a 0.7% decline for the Province as a whole.
In Bordeaux, as at Poitiers, the median sales price of old houses is also a clear increase, from 330 000 (in 2015) to 349 500 (in 2016) in the prefecture of the Gironde and 154 000 160 000 in the chief town of the Vienna.
For the network there are still opportunities to seize as long to install that to invest
To Master William SQUARE, associated notary at Saint-Georges-Les-Baillargeaux (near Poitiers), ” the commissioning imminent, the HSL generates certainly a renewed interest in local real estate, contributing to the price increase. Proof is, some of the 4 to 5,000 people who worked on the construction of the high speed line choose to settle long term in Poitiers while working in Paris “, a dream that is now easily achievable thanks to the high speed.
Master Sabine PANDELÉ, notary public in Barbezieux-Saint-Hilaire, confirms the investment opportunities relating to rental properties in Angoulême as the prices remain low : “Investing today in Angouleme promises already a very nice cost-effectiveness ; it is expected to further increase with the arrival of the high speed and the new TGV station which will be delivered in April 2018 and will play host to 2.4 million passengers “. Among the good business to enter to Angouleme, ” a building near a high school and located close to Victor Hugo Square for sale 290 000 “. I PANDELÉ recalls that ” the quality of life with zero cap and zero queue that offers Angoulême should encourage many Bordelais to acquire their main residence in the Charente “.
Me EARLY, notary public in Ambarès-et-Lagrave, confirms that in Bordeaux, as in the Gironde ” all signals are green to the real estate.” “The arrival of the high speed will further strengthen the tourist attractiveness of Bordeaux : a destination already in vogue that concentrates the advantages of a human-sized town, located 10 minutes from the countryside and vineyards and 1 hour from the Arcachon Basin by the high-speed rail line “.
Today “the price of real estate in the hyper-centre are near those of a parisian arrondissement up to amounts of 5 to 6000 euros du m2” finds Me EARLY, a member of the network and the promoter of the sale by immo-interactive very adapted to the market girondin.
And Nicolas EARLY to continue : “I believe very much in the right bank where you can still find houses with garden for 2 to 3000 euros m2
.” The right bank which benefits from the service of the line of tramway connecting it to the hyper-centre in 15 minutes, and that is of benefit, as early as 2020, from the junction with the Euratlantique district, left bank, thanks to the future pont Jean-Jacques Bosc.
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