Markus Tacke has been CEO of Siemens-Gamesa, a recent merger of the giants Spanish and German renewable energy. Strong of its 25 000 employees and its presence in 19 countries, the european group located in Bilbao, in the north of Spain, is the world number one in offshore wind and one of the three most major companies in the onshore wind. In France, Siemens-Gamesa must provide the aéromoteurs for three of the six French parks planned off the coast of Tréport (Seine-Maritime), Saint-Brieuc and Noirmoutier (Vendée). In this framework, the group was committed to build a factory for wind turbines in le Havre (Seine-Maritime).
Why the development of renewable energy is accelerating-and there everywhere in the world ?
Renewable energy is currently at a turning point. This transition is accelerating for three reasons. First, they help to reduce CO2 emissions and thus combat global warming. Then, they provide energy independence, which interested a lot of countries that wish to reduce their dependency on fossil fuels. Finally, and most importantly, today it is the cheaper technology to produce electricity. This is particularly the case for wind farms, with, in addition, the lowest carbon impact.
Renewable energies are they really less expensive ? They often require a strong public support…
Many countries had mechanisms feed-in-tariffs, but they disappear almost everywhere, for the benefit of systems of betting. These public support systems have been useful in supporting the emergence of this industry, but the lower cost allows you to move these mechanisms for new projects. If you compare the price of the production of electricity from new wind power projects with the new projects of power plants, whether coal, nuclear or gas, there is no debate : the wind is always…