FNAC DARTY presents the proposed organization of its headquarters

The direction of FNAC DARTY has presented to the representative bodies of the staff the proposed organization of the future headquarters of the Group.

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Based on the principle of” one Group, two brands “, this project is based on a unified organization for France, structured around :

– a sales Management unique to the two brands, based on a pole of competence ” purchases “, and a center transverse “commercial development” in the service of all of the sectors products. The organizations current business are maintained to the universe the more specific to each brand’s Culture for the Fnac, a Kitchen for Darty).

– a head of Marketing and E-commerce unique to the Group, with each brand a Brand of Leadership,

– a Direction of Operation unique, to ensure a global vision of the network of stores Fnac and Darty,

– an organization’s differentiated services : the Services Branch provides the marketing of the offers and the policy definition of Group services (including the SERVICE) ; the Direction of the Operations Group is in charge of the operational running of the services.

Corporate function unique to the two signs would be put in place : a HRD Group, a Financial officer, an Operations Management Group, a Management Information Systems department, a Strategy department and a Communication department.

The headquarters of the Group FNAC DARTY would be 1 495 posts in CDI. 111 currently occupied would be deleted, and 86 new would be created and offered in priority to the employees affected by these deletions. A plan of voluntary departure self will be open to employees at the end of the social process. The job cuts will therefore be carried out exclusively on a voluntary basis, without a phase of forced departure. A comprehensive set of measures to support the reorganisation will be proposed and discussed with the trade unions.

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