Paris, 15 June 2017 Gillette, the world leader in treatments for men, reiterates its commitment to the men and announces its new international campaign #GoAskDad. Its ambassador, Antoine Griezmann, thus dedicated this day post event to his father, on his social networks.
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The relay of the campaign #GoAskDad by Antoine Griezmann will celebrate the link irreplaceable between a father and his son. Gillette wants for fathers day is to highlight this unique relationship and the benefits of the benefit of advice from his father.
#GoAskDad : a tribute to the relationships father-son
This new campaign celebrates the complicity father-to-son, a link that fits more than ever in the daily gestures, in particular for the learning of the shave. The film puts in scene the teenagers of different nationalities, asking to use their smartphone for all kinds of advice, including on their way to shave, tie a tie, or even to seduce a girl. The voice service of the telephone and offers answers that are surprisingly fair and ” custom “, and the boys discover at the end of the spot that the voice is none other than… that of their father ! Has the era of the internet and social networks, nothing beats the advice of his father.
Antoine Griezmann and his father, Alain Griezmann
© Photo credit : A. Griezmann
A survey that bristling hairs !
On the occasion of father’s day, Gillette has also sponsored a survey, whose results[1] show that with the use of new technologies, the boys tend to get away from their father, and to focus on the Internet for tips and suggestions, including on the subjects of the most trivial and intimate. Links paternal would they be broken ?
In fact, 4 teenagers on the 5 prefer to check their smartphone for advice, rather than ask their father. Even when it comes to advice in love, they are 42% preferred their smartphone as a source of information.
There is more than the mobile phone reigns supreme in all areas, with one exception : when it comes to do well, young people have tended to see their father, recognizing that their advice is more rich and more wise than those provided by their mobile phone.
Antoine Griezmann, his father, his smartphone, his confidences
In the framework of the campaign #GoAskDad, the footballer French international Antoine Griezmann returns to the exclusivity of his relationship with his father, his smartphone and, more generally, his relationship with his parents. The opportunity for him to share with his fans memories about his daily life when he was younger.
He speaks thus : “For all the tips on the daily or related to the shaving, I preferred to ask my father. It was our moment to us. But it is my mother that I was for the clothes and hair cuts. ”
On his phone, he adds : “I had a phone at 14 years old when I left Macon, to devote myself to football. At my age, everyone had one already. But for my part, I would clearly use my free time to be outside and to play football. ”
The mobile phone has however allowed Antoine to keep in touch with his parents when he left his home to 14 years of age, to go and train in Spain : “I was exchanging mainly by sms with my parents. The calls were very difficult for us, and that made us even more feel those damn 800 km. My mother had a lot of trouble to have me on the phone, she was crying every time she raccrochait. As for my father, he tried to call me every two-three days even if it hurt not to have his son beside him “.
“Even today, there is more text than phone call. It is a habit that has kept. When you want to hear the voice of the other, one sends audio messages on Whatsapp “.
The campaign Gillette #GoAskDad is available on Youtube :
Antoine Griezmann wants to date a good feast for his father, and on its social networks.
About Gillette
For over 110 years, Gillette has delivered precision technology and products with unmatched performance improving the lives of more than 750 million people all over the world. Shaving, body care, skin care and anti-transpiring, Gillette offers a wide variety of products including razors, shave gel (gels, foams and creams), skin-care, after-shaves, anti-transpiring, deodorants and shower gels. For more information and discover the latest news on Gillette, visit To see our complete product offering, visit
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P&G improves the lives of consumers around the world with a portfolio of quality brands that have earned the trust of consumers. Among these brands, leaders in their field, are including Always®, Ambi Pur®, Ariel®, Febreze®, Gillette®, Head & Shoulders®, Lenor®, Oral-B®, Pampers®, Pantene®, and Vicks®. P&G is present in nearly 70 countries. For more information, in particular on trademarks, or timeliness of P&G, you can visit the internet site (in English) or (in French).
[1] Survey conducted by Research Now, between December 14, 2016 and December 16, 2016, with more than 2,100 men, aged 18 to 34 years old
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