Press release
Lund, 14 June, 2017
Enzymatica has received its biggest order so far, which amounts to about 12 MILLION. The global pharmaceutical company STADA Arzneimittel AG, headquartered in Germany, has ordered Enzymaticas förkylningsprodukt ColdZyme®mouth spray for the German, belgian, and austrian markets before förkylningssäsongen after the summer.
The order is a result of the cooperation agreement Enzymatica and STADA Arzneimittel AG concluded in February 2017. The agreement gives STADA the exclusive rights to sell, market, and distribute ColdZyme in Germany, which is the largest market for OTC products in Europe, and in Belgium and Austria.
– We are now starting to see the results of our work to conclude agreements with international distributors for the major OTC markets. The order is the largest in the Enzymaticas history, and the value is significantly greater than the entire turnover of 9.6 MILLION for the first quarter of this year. The order confirms the commercial potential for ColdZyme and our technology platform, ” says Fredrik Lindberg, CEO of Enzymatica.
Enzymatica expects to deliver the order at the end of the summer and the proceeds will affect the Enzymaticas net sales for the third quarter.
STADA is a publicly traded German company with a traditionally strong presence in Europe and in particular Germany. STADA is an international company, and the five largest markets for the company are Germany, Russia, the united kingdom, Italy and Spain. STADA group generated in 2016, the sales of EUR 2 139 and 10 had 839 employees worldwide.
The information in this press release is such that Enzymatica is obliged to publish under the EU marknadsmissbruksförordning. The information was submitted, through the following contact person in the government, for publication on 14 June 2017, there is a 08.00 CET.
For more information, please contact:
Fredrik Lindberg, CEO Enzymatica AB
Tel: 0708-86 53 70 | E-mail:
About Enzymatica AB
Enzymatica AB is a medical technology company that develops and sells medical products against infektionsrelaterade diseases. In a short time, the company has developed ColdZyme®, a unique oral spray for cold, launched the product in eight markets, and established themselves among the best-selling förkylningsprodukterna, calculated in Swedish kronor on the Swedish pharmacy. The strategy is to continue to grow by strengthening its position in existing markets and expand into more geographic markets via the established partners. The company has headquarters in Lund, sweden and is listed on Nasdaq First North. For more information, please visit:
Enzymaticas Certified Adviser is Erik Penser Bank.
Press release (PDF)