Environmental tax, return ? The minister of Transportation wants to “make him pay” heavy duty

The ecotax would she be back in the projects of the new government ? In an interview given to les Echos, Wednesday, July 5, the minister in charge of Transport, Elizabeth Terminal, has “found it necessary to think of a way to make countries weight heavy.” She added, however, that it was not to “raise the status” the project of environmental tax, have been abandoned by the previous government. “This would not be a good idea,” she says.

This tax on heavy trucks, which was to finance the construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure, was the flagship measure of the Grenelle Environment forum in 2007. She had, however, been suspended in October 2013 after the fronde led by the “red caps” brittany and then buried permanently by Ségolène Royal, then minister of the Environment. This failure had been assessed at close to one billion euros by the Court of auditors. To offset the revenue gaps, the government Holland had been forced to increase the fuel tax (TICPE).

The question of resources

The minister of Transport continues, always in the interview given to les Echos: “We need to discuss resources.” She reminds us that “some regions are willing to launch experiments and other asking to be able to create, as the Great Paris (2011), a specific tax dedicated to the equipment needs”. Elizabeth Terminal does not stop there since it also refers to the possible introduction of tolls on some sections of national roads “without penalizing the displacement from the vicinity to along the lines of what has been done in the Barrens”.

(with AFP)

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