Companies. The One Planet Summit, organized by the France, on December 12, 2017, has wanted to close the year on an optimistic note. Two years after the COP21, which was attended by 196 States to Paris to try and define a policy for the common fight against the global warming, the president Macron has asked this of both companies, financiers, and wealthy philanthropists to engage on the future of the planet.
The speech stated that it could not be just words and that, in the face of the slowness of the policies, it was necessary to focus on the effectiveness of entrepreneurs. Salvation would come in particular from a shift of household savings or private fortunes to investments in renewable energy. And could be traced to the prospects of a powerful ” finance green “, that symbolized the participation in the summit of Bill Gates.
It was founded, in 2015, the Breakthrough Energy Coalition to invest in solar and wind power endowments of thirty billionaires, including major magnates of Silicon Valley. Three billion euros have been raised – including two made by Mr. Gates.
“Global compact ”
However, a few weeks before, the international Consortium of investigative journalists had published a survey called ” the Paradise Papers “. It revealed how businesses, financial institutions, or rich individuals practice the kind of massive tax optimization. It is to manage cash flow internally to pay its taxes in countries where taxation is the lowest.
Consulting firms specialized in tax optimization have pinion on street
It is estimated that 350 billion euros of the shortfall for the States. This practice does not violate the act, but plays on the competition legislative that are in the country for attracting them is the jobs, the profits of transnational corporations. Consulting firms…