In the last 5 years continuously decreased in the Hungarian book publishers and net sales, the trend last year, didn’t even turn the 2016 financial statements according to the Opten company information service told MTI on Wednesday.
According to the announcement, in 2012, 1746 undertaking addressed as their main activity publishing business, by contrast, last year only 1510. While in 2012, the publishing turnover of 57 billion, in 2016, hardly exceeded huf 44 billion. The 1 billion huf turnover in 2012 of 10 edition, in 2016, only 7 such an undertaking.
The middle turnover category, 100 million and 1 billion between revenues achieved a number of firms during the period under examination 92 from 83 decreased, the settlement procedure under company’s rate of 3.6 per cent to 0.9 per cent moderated – added the Opten.
The company’s employees number of employees in the 2012 3918 from 2016 to about 1291 by decreased – written.
The Hungarian book publishers and Book distributors association of statistics 2013 and 2015 between the released book titles and the number of copies, if only to a small extent, but increased read – in the communication.
The English book publishers on its economic situation determines the supply chain in the rest of the cast compared to how much they can to carve the price. Currently, a book consumer price 50-60 percent of the book distribution is going to stay with the remaining part is shared by the author, the publisher and the printing house.
The construction is similar to also appear here in the chain of debt, because if the publisher doesn’t get the money, you can’t pay the author and the printing press. It’s often the case that traders are forced to significantly sale sell publications, which weakens the publisher’s market positions, although the publishers have also used this method to get rid of stock from the Opten.