Nantes, 14 June 2017, 18 hours – OSE Immunotherapeutics AG (ISIN: FR0012127173; Mnémo: OSE), announces that the annual general Meeting held this day approved all resolutions proposed by the Board of directors, including the appointment of two new independent directors, Ladies Brigitte Dreno and Diane Kathryn Jorkasky, and has renewed the directors ‘ mandates of Messrs Jean-Patrick Demonsang, Walter Flamenbaum and Gérard Tobelem.
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The full result of the votes of the General shareholders Meeting is available on the company’s website, section Investors/annual General Meetings (
A total of 68 shareholders were present or represented or voted by correspondence. They had all 8.533.195 shares (59,50 % of the securities entitled to vote) and 9.110.375 voting rights.
The general Assembly approved the appointment of two new independent directors :
Madame Professor Brigitte Dréno is Head of the department of Dermatology at the University Hospital Center of Nantes, a service which develops an important research expertise and innovative treatments in cancer of the skin. Brigitte Dréno there runs a Unit of Product and Unit of Cell and Gene Therapy, and in this framework, closely following all innovations in immuno-oncology. She is the Vice-dean of the Faculty of medicine. It maintains the original layout of the R&D of OSE Immunotherapeutics on the campus of Nantes, in close collaboration with the academic world.
Mrs. Dr. Diane Kathryn Jorkasky leads an international career for more than 20 years in the pharmaceutical industry (Endo Pharmaceutical, Pfizer, GSK, etc.) and biotechnology companies with management functions in the areas of scientific and medical. She has a strong background in all phases of the research in developing the drug. Since 2012, Diane Kathryn Jorkasky is executive Vice-President, medical Director and Director of development at Complexa Therapeutics, a biotechnology company specializing in inflammatory diseases and fibrosis.
These appointments respond to the end of the mandate of director of Mr. David de Weese, who, during this general Assembly has been designated as a non-voting director for a term of one year, and Mr. Jean Théron, to which the Company has entrusted with a mission of consultant and business provider for OSE Immunotherapeutics international at the end of his mandate.
Emile Loria, President of the Board of directors, commented : “On behalf of all the Directors and the team of OSE Immunotherapeutics, I very much appreciate David de Weese and John Theron for their expertise, their commitment and their work within the Board. They remain at our sides for the new missions and their networks will be very precious “.
Dominique Costantini, managing Director, adds : “today We are very happy to welcome Brigitte Dréno, and Diane Kathryn Jorkasky with the skills and the course complement the expertise and strengthen the international dynamic of this Council to accompany the growth of the company “.
Renewal of mandates of directors
The ordinary general Meeting has renewed the mandate of director of mr. Jean-Patrick Demonsang, Walter Flamenbaum and Gérard Tobelem.
The Board of directors is composed of 12 members, including 7 independent members.
The shareholders of OSE Immunotherapeutics, met this day in the general Assembly have voted the following resolutions :
Approval of the annual and consolidated financial statements, allocation of income, approval of the principles and criteria of determination, apportionment and allocation of fixed, variable and exceptional components the total compensation and benefits of any kind attributable to executive directors, approval of regulated agreements (resolutions 1 to 5) ;
Mandatory opinion on the compensation components for the fiscal year 2016 to the President, the Director-general and the deputy managing Directors (Resolutions 6 to 9) ;
Renewal of the delegations of authority conferred on the Board of Directors to decide to issue shares and/or securities giving immediate or future access to the capital or giving right to a debt security (Resolutions 19 to 22, 24, 26, 27) ;
Delegations of authority conferred upon the Board of Directors to make free share grants of preference, of free shares, BSPCE, BSA and stock-options (Resolutions, 30 to 34).
Our ambition is to become one of the world leaders in immunotherapy activation and regulation
DARE Immunotherapeutics) is a biotechnology company specializing in the activation and immune regulation in immuno-oncology, autoimmune diseases and in transplantation.
The company has a balanced portfolio, with a risk profile that is diverse, ranging from the clinical phase to registration of R&D :
??? Tedopi®, a combination of 10 néoépitopes optimized to induce an activation response in immuno-oncology – ongoing Phase 3 registration in the lung cancer advanced in Europe and the United States, in patients with HLA-A2+ – Status orphan to the United States, Registration as provided for in 2019 – A Phase 2 study of Tedopi® in combination with a checkpoint inhibitor in NSCLC is planned in 2017.
??? DARE-172 (Effi-DEM), checkpoint of the new generation targeting cells of the myeloid suppressor via receptor SIRP-? – In preclinical in several cancer models.
??? DARE-703 (Effi-3), a cytotoxic monoclonal antibody targeting IL-7R – Agreement of research collaboration with the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NY
In autoimmune diseases and transplantation :
??? FR104, immunotherapy antagonist of the CD28 – Results of Phase 1 positive – refers to autoimmune diseases, and transplantation – Licensed to Janssen Biotech Inc. for further clinical development.
??? DARE-127 (Effi-7), immunomodulatory receptor antagonist to interleukin-7 – preclinical in inflammatory bowel disease and other autoimmune diseases – Option license agreement with Servier for the development and commercialization of the product.
In the light of medical needs targeted, these products have a real potential blockbuster and make the company the ability to enter into global agreements at different stages of their development with major pharmaceutical players.
DARE Immunotherapeutics seeks the field of immunotherapy, a very attractive market in full expansion. The immunotherapy of cancer may represent to the year 2023, nearly 60% of treatments, compared to less than 3% at the present time* and the market is estimated is estimated to be $ 67 billion by 2018**.
There are more than 80 autoimmune diseases that represent an important market integrating of the major players in the pharmaceutical industry, with sales in excess of 10 billion euros for the main products. The medical need is still largely unfulfilled and will require the provision of new products to control the immune system’s innovative and responsive.
*Citi Research Equity
**BCC Research
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