A investerarkonsortium consisting of a smaller number of individuals ”glance at” the state’s 17% share of the SAS, but it has been difficult to get together the funding and the process drags on.
It writes Business on Wednesday with reference to a non-named source who is reported to have transparency in that process, where Nordea should be turned to try to find the new SAS-owners.
”At least two investors are on, but they need some additional partners to bring together the financing to take over the entire record,” said the source to the newspaper.
The process has reportedly been going on for about a month without any deal has finished.
The government would neither confirm or deny the Business information on the consortium, but have a mandate from the riksdag to sell.
Minister for enterprise Mikael Damberg has in addition previously been clear that he does not see the state as a long-term owner of SAS, and then a lockupklausul went out in april of this year, it is free for the state to sell their remaining SAS shares, after having decreased its share in October 2016, from 21.4 to 17.2 per cent.
The Swedish state is SAS largest owner, with Denmark and Norway, which placed second and third at 14 and 11 percent respectively, according to the ägardatatjänsten Holdings. After, the Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation, with more than 7 per cent, and then the ”Dimensional Fund Advisors” and ”Avanza Pension” of between 1 and 2 per cent each.
On the seventh place with 4 million ordinary shares and 10,000 preferred shares, corresponding to 1.2 percent of the company, will Systemairgrundaren Gerald Engström, who bought 1.5 million shares during the fourth quarter of last year, and 900,000 shares during the first quarter of this year.
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