This is not the meeting of the last chance, but it should count for the future of the market of the VTC (cars transport with a driver). Friday 8 December, the minister of transport, Elizabeth Terminal, was to receive all the representatives of the drivers and the companies to make a point about the application of the law Grandguillaume ; it provides, in particular, to prohibit drivers employees under the statute said “LOTI” (loi d’orientation des transports intérieurs), theoretically confined to the public transport, to exercise the profession of driver of the VTC.
For Uber, a private Driver, and other platforms of the relationship, the end of LOTI’s going to create a real shock, with the removal of several thousands of drivers on the road. According to these companies, about 10 000 people could lose their jobs, on the 29th of December in the evening, the day of entry into force of the new law.