Catalan parliament a mandate for independence, the wish to dialogue in accordance with regionpresidenten.

The Catalan parliament had after the referendum, a mandate to declare independence, but chose to postpone this, in order to initiate a dialogue with the Spanish government.

It writes the Catalan regionpresidenten Carles Puigdemont, in a response to the central government, according to Reuters and Bloomberg News.

Thus, providing he is still not a clear answer about the touted independence or not, as the Spanish government demanded.

Carles Puigdemont writing to this invitation to dialogue is honestly meant, and that the dialogue should take place the next two months. He offers the prime minister Mariano Rajoy to meet as soon as possible to discuss the situation.

He calls on central government to stop ”repression” and want to Rajoy stop the legal process against the Catalan police chief.

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