The business community recommends the purchase of the Investor, Tomra and Christian Berner Tech Trade. For ventilationsbolaget Systemair has riktkursen passed and it is thus to be expected.
- Investor reach companies outside the stock exchange, and thus a svårkopierad investment strategy. Business find Investor is a good long-term savings product, compared with the passive Swedish storbolagsindex and recommend buy with a target price of 525 sek (Tuesday’s closing price: 408:60 sek).
- Tomra, which manufactures machines for the recycling of beverage containers, traded around record levels at the Oslo stock exchange. In spite of this, the world of Business a large upside potential and sets a target price of 119 Norwegian krone (against Tuesday’s closing price of 101 dollars). Köprekommendationen is based on good global growth opportunities.
- Christian Berner Tech Trade distinguishes itself in the market by its small size. Teknikhandelsföretaget is attractive in its modest valuation and strong operating tailwinds, writes the Business world. A trigger of course, is its acquisition opportunities and the world of Business puts buy recommendation and a target price of $ 24 (Tuesday’s closing price: sek 19).
- Systemair is according to Business in a uppstädningsfas after the many acquisitions in Europe. Ventilationsbolaget has passed for the year, previous price target of 142 krona (Tuesday: 150:50), and, therefore, becomes recommendation to wait.
Tradingportalen/Agency Directly.
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