Neuilly-sur-Seine, June 20, 2017 Bureau Veritas announces the acquisition of California Code Check, Inc., an american company specializing in building code compliance and building safety.
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Founded in 1984 and based in Los Angeles, California Code Check provides the services of a third party with regard to the review of plans, verification of compliance of the building permit and inspection for municipalities. His clientele is made up of approximately 30 cities and counties in California, located between Los Angeles and San Francisco. The company employs 31 people and generated a turnover of € 3.7 million in 2016.
This acquisition strengthens the presence of Bureau Veritas in the region of the Central Coast of California and the leadership position of the Group on the market california the building code compliance and inspection.
Didier Michaud-Daniel, ceo of Bureau Veritas, stated : “California is naturally a priority market to develop the business of Building & Infrastructure, Bureau Veritas. The largest of the american States displays strong growth prospects in the field of construction and a significant potential outsourcing of the control of building permits by the local authorities. California Code Check a very good example of our strategy of selective acquisition allows us to implement more quickly on niche markets, promising, in geographic areas strategic. ”
Thomas Harris, President of California Code Check, added : “We are delighted to join Bureau Veritas, and the prospect of offering our customers services and response capacity and geographical spread. Beyond our traditional base of compliance with the code of construction, our customers now have access to a wide range of technical expertise and services, delivered by a world leader in testing, inspection and certification. ”
About Bureau Veritas
Bureau Veritas is a world leader in inspection, certification and laboratory testing. Created in 1828, the Group employs more than 72 000 employees in about 1,400 offices and laboratories around the world. Bureau Veritas helps its clients to improve their performances by offering services and innovative solutions to ensure that their assets, products, infrastructure and processes meet standards and regulations relating to quality, health, safety, environmental protection and social responsibility.
Bureau Veritas is listed on Euronext Paris and is part of the index Next 20.
Compartment A, code ISIN FR 0006174348, mnemonic : BVI. For more information
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