Step key forward in the clinical development of CER-209
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Funding of 0.75 M in non-dilutive in the form of a loan to zero rate for innovation
Available cash of the company at the end of may 2017 : 21.5 M
Toulouse, FRANCE, Ann Arbor, USA, 20 June 2017, 08: 00 am Cerenis Therapeutics (FR0012616852 CEREN Eligible PEA PME), a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery and development of innovative therapies based on the metabolism of lipids for the treatment of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, today announced the payment of 0.75 million euros by Bpifrance. This payment is directly linked to the achievement of the second key stage of the programme, the entry in phase I clinical trials of the drug candidate, CER-209-dedicated to the treatment of NAFLD and NASH.
This amount corresponds to payment of the second tranche of assistance to the innovation of Bpifrance in the form of an interest free loan for Innovation (PTZI), for a total amount of 1.5 M.
“This assistance will contribute to the funding of the study of multiple doses of the drug candidate, CER-209 for the clinical evaluation of phase I in NAFLD and NASH. The first part of the phase I clinical trial has been a success, namely the absence of problem of safety and tolerance, related to the administration of single doses of CER-209, and the observation of a pharmacokinetics supporting once-daily. I would like to thank Bpifrance for his help for a long time and the trust given to our company, expert in the development of innovative products in the metabolism of lipids, ” says Dr. Jean-Louis Is the founder and ceo of Cerenis Therapeutics.
After integration of the innovation support of Bpifrance and the reimbursement of the Research Tax Credit, in respect of the year 2016, the available cash of the company at the end of the month of may amounted to 21.5 Million.
About CER-209
CER-209 is the first drug candidate in its category, the agonists of the receptor P2Y13. CER-209 is a specific agonist of the receptor P2Y13 and it does not interact with the P2Y12 receptor. Preclinical studies have shown that CER-209 increases the recognition of HDL by the liver and improves the return transport of cholesterol (RLT), ultimately leading to the regression of the atheromatous plaque. Due to effects favourable metabolic effects on the liver during preclinical experiments, the CER-209 could provide a new mechanism for the treatment of Hepatitis Fat Non-Alcoholic (NAFLD) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).
About Cerenis :
Cerenis Therapeutics Holding company is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery and development of innovative therapies based on the metabolism of lipids for the treatment of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. The HDL is the mediator’s primary return transport of cholesterol (or RLT), the only metabolic pathway by which the cholesterol in excess is removed from arteries and transported to the liver for elimination from the body.
Cerenis is developing a portfolio of therapies HDL, including mimetics of HDL particles to treat the genetic defects in HDL, as well as molecules that increase the number of HDL particles in patients who have little for the treatment of atherosclerosis and related metabolic diseases associated such as the Hepatitis Fatty Non-Alcoholic (NAFLD) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).
Cerenis is well-positioned to become one of the leaders of the market of therapies based on the metabolism of lipids with a rich portfolio of programs in development.
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