For more than a year, the network in France, BNP Paribas offers new training centres whose aim is to support all staff in the Retail Bank in the transformation of the network. The 7 training centres in My Campus spread over the whole territory and allow all the collaborators of the network have training adapted to new uses such as banking.
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Combining distance learning and face-to-face, training centers My Campus have been designed as a franchise built and modeled after the strategy of transformation of the French network of the Retail Bank. Through substantial investments in people, educational resources and digital solutions, the main tasks of the training offer in My Campus are :
Organize the training around scenarios customers
Assist employees in their individual careers training
Strengthen the autonomy of employees by offering them access to the formats and contents differentiated (videos, MOOCS, tutorials, learning games, seminars…) and promote open access to these resources
Enhance the exchange and sharing of skills between employees
In premises designed to foster exchanges, training rooms in the centre of paris and regional centres of My Campus have been designed to reproduce the configuration of the offices of a bank branch. 200 employees, BNP Paribas there are formed every day, and about 7,000 each year.
Marie-Claire Capobianco, Director of the networks in France and Member of the Executive Committee of BNP Paribas, explains : “We designed the new device of the “My Campus” for all the employees of our network France BNP Paribas may be accompanied in the rise in the essential skills on all aspects of the customer Relationship. We know to what extent the expectations and needs of our clients evolve, we need to help our teams to understand and adapt to these changes “.
The training in the French network of the Retail Bank of BNP Paribas :
921.104 hours of training in 2016
31.353 employees who are trained in 2016
7 training centers distributed on 8 sites in Paris, Louveciennes, La Défense, Nantes, Bordeaux, Marseille, Lyon and Lille
19 rooms dedicated to learning and experimentation in the campus paris open 2015 by BNP Paribas
About Retail banking in France BNP Paribas
In France, the Retail banking account nearly 29,000 employees serving more than 6.7 million customers, 571.000 professional clients and very small enterprises (VSES), of 30,500 enterprises (SMES, enterprises of intermediary size (ETI), large companies) and 65.400 associations. He is a leader on the market of Enterprises, and the Private Bank. Organized around lines of customers specialized in order to provide the best support, it offers a wide range of products and services, the holding of a current account up to the mounts the more experts in the field of business finance or wealth management. The teams of the Retail Bank are strongly committed to the service of the economy and all the clientele they serve within of close to 2,000 agencies and in the 305 clusters of expertise : private banking, Private Homes of the Entrepreneurs, Clusters, Innovation Centres and Business Enterprises. The Retail Bank also provides a broad presence on the social networks particularly through Facebook and Twitter. Investing continuously in innovation and quality of service, BNP Paribas has created Hello Bank!, the first bank digital natively designed for mobile use. This offer of relationship customers complete the system of online banking (contact Centres, Internet, Mobile, Net Savings/Stock market, Net Credit and Net Insurance), as well as the 6.124 automata made available to all.
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