In 1929, in the streets of New York, the taxi drivers, shoeshine men, and even beggars gave advice to the fellows who wanted to hear them. Those who have listened have been the first victims of the crash of October of the same year. Today, the stars play this role, and add a pinch of technology to spice up the promise.
The eternal people Paris Hilton and Jamie Foxx, the boxer Floyd Mayweather were among the approximately 200 adventurers to raise funds in cryptomonnaie such as bitcoin or ethereum, those currencies that exist only on the Internet, do not belong to any country, and are not regulated by anyone. And it seems to work : the pioneers of this new kind of market called the ICO (Initial Corner Offering) would have raised nearly $ 3.5 billion (3 billion euros) this year.
The euphoria on the bitcoin reached heights never imagined. Listed on computer platforms such as IG Group, its value now approaching the 10 000 dollars, an increase of 850 % in one year.
What obviously make heads turn. Because the stock Exchange, it proposes measures, of wheat, or of currency, works in reverse of the traditional economy. The more prices go up, more contenders are rushing to do their shopping. Until the day when…, And inflate the bubbles, on the media, sometimes very exotic, the bulbs of tulip in the Seventeenth century, the guano in the Nineteenth, the actions in the Twentieth, the debt products of the Twenty first… With each time, money abundant, and traditional investments less remunerative. This is what is happening now with zero interest rates and Scholarships to stratospheric levels, particularly in the United States.
The field is particularly prone to blunders
Not surprising then, in these times of digital revolution, the focus is on the algorithms. Some…