France can feed any hope of avoiding a cumbersome and lengthy conflict rail from the 3 April ? The showdown between the government and the government has launched its reform project a month ago, and the unions of the SNCF, which has just entered a period of schedule. This period in-between, after the day of national mobilization on march 22 and before the start of three months of go-slow, could be the chance of a miracle. Just prior to Easter. It is, in any case, the will of the government : to quickly enter a part of the unions in his logic of the dialogue, and thus to break the conflict before its crystallization.
Last week, the minister of transport, Elizabeth Bollard, has written a letter to the four representative trade unions of the SNCF – CGT Railwaymen, UNSA Rail, SUD-Rail and CFDT Railwaymen, in which, for the first time, the word “negotiation” is added to that of ” consultation “. This is a first concession to the grievances of the representatives of the employees, who are complaining since the beginning of their meetings with the ministry of transport, denouncing an accumulation of sterile meetings, union by union, in the course of which each one expresses his opinion, without any real trading background has not really started.
The four organizations have decided to seize this opportunity to demand, in a leaflet and a letter sent to the minister on Monday 26 march, the opening of a dialogue with the inter-union on a new basis and from eight specific claims. “The trade union organisations require other measures, based on their proposals and claims,” announces the press release.
“The margins for manoeuvre are real”
The unions make several requests : a repeat of the debt without consideration, the refusal of the subsidiaries of the cargo, the maintenance of the SNCF as a public institution,…