The FIRIP comes to respond to the public consultation by Arcep on the creation of “zones fibrées”. It shares the general goals announced by the Authority and welcomes the publication of this consultation, which will provide an additional tool for the transition from copper to fibre.
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The Federation of Industrial Networks of Public Initiative and considers that the proposal is formalized by the Arcep, is only a first step towards the foundation of a status of truly comprehensive, and calls for a second phase is already announced by this authority, including a calendar, quick.
It will also be essential that the status area “fibered” to be brought politically, and with communication tools supported at the national level, in order to avoid repeating the pitfalls of the “Label ZATHD”, quickly abandoned after its creation in the absence of a communication sufficient to cause an actual membership.
If the FIRIP is not opposed in principle to the establishment of new indicators of quality of service, it requires a minimum of cooperation and proportionality. “The zone status fibered should not be used to impose new obligations unilaterally by the Arcep,” explains Etienne Dugas, President.
Finally, in order to ensure equity on the corporate market, today dominated by a duopoly, the FIRIP request to add certain criteria for the attribution of the status : it should be able to be assigned, on a given area, if all of the wholesale offers on FttH needed for the animation competitive in the corporate market (offers passive and active, with and without quality of service specific) were available. The FIRIP also welcomes the fact that the criteria of completeness include both the local professionals as accommodation.
Find the complete response of the FIRIP on the following link :
About the FIRIP :
Created on December 6, 2012 the Federation of Industrial Networks of Public Initiative (FIRIP), includes more than 180 companies, a turnover of 2 billion euros in 2016 in the RIP, representing 8.100 direct jobs in the various trades of the value chain of the RIP.
It demonstrates the economic importance of this new branch which wishes to participate actively in the Great project of the deployment of the THD estimated at more than € 20 billion by 2022, which is funded by the Public and the Private. The federation also wants to help in the promotion of the trades of the fibre deployment, and the qualification expertise necessary for the implementation of high speed broadband.
The FIRIP is the questioner Industrial Mission France very high speed, she is a member of the Strategic Committee of the Digital Sector, and showcases the tremendous impact of the deployment of the optical Fiber on the economy and on employment.
The Federation, develops constructive partnerships and non-exclusive with the set of institutional actors, the technical, the Regulator and the major economic players in the telecommunications sector, in order to contribute to the development of this sector. Cf.
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