Arc Aroma Pure AB : 170614 year-end Report Q4 2016/17

Press release 2017-06-14

Year-end report

The international focus of results

The period February – april 2017 (Q4)

  • Operating income amounted to sek 4.9 (1.7) MILLION.

  • EBITDA, operating income before depreciation and amortization, amounted to 3.4 (1.4) MILLION.

  • The result after tax amounted to sek 3.3 (1,1) MILLION.

  • Earnings per share amounted to SEK 0.37.

Significant events during the period

  • Arc Aroma Pure AB (the Company) was established by the chinese subsidiary with offices in Shanghai and the first chinese engineer was hired, for the development of biogasmarknaden in China.

  • Installations carried out by two bioCEPT®platforms at a wastewater treatment plant,

    for the customer of Qingdao Water Ltd. in China.

  • Successful konceptvalidering of new and improved production of livsmedelsolja in Italy was carried out together with a global player.

  • The company delivered a testing facility of oliveCEPT® to Argentina for the future evaluation of olive oil production, in collaboration with a global technology company.

  • The company, which is the principal owner of the OptiFreeze AB (publ), sold the shares to its incoming CEO, Nick Kramer, and Göran Hedby, who became the new chairman and new board member Elisabeth Yllfors.




If the Arc Aroma Pure AB (publ)

Arc Aroma Pure has developed a way to control the electric pulses that provide a high energy yield. Through the CEPT® platform, which is a generator, the technology used in the biogas, wastewater treatment and extraction. The platform uses short-duration high voltage pulses that blow up the cell membrane and kills unwanted micro-organisms. Optimisation of biogas production and the introduction of new commodities which are not used today is in the focus. Water, ballast water and the liquid food are examples of other CEPT® applications. The company was founded in 2008, has its registered office in Lund, sweden, with offices in Shanghai and has received various awards, and support from, among others, Vinnova and the Swedish energy agency. Arc Aroma Pure’s shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX First North Premier. Erik Penser Bank is Certified Adviser and can be reached at 08 – 463 80 00.



AAP Q4 201617

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