Nibe share has since the top at 90sek traded in a rekylfas, which brought the share down in the vicinity of the support around 75kr, which constitutes a köpläge then the risk can be placed narrowly in relation to the potential on the upper side.
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Nibe share belongs to one of the stock market’s steadiest shares after börskrisen year 2008-09. Share after a lågpunkt year 2008 in principle all of the time and shown a sequence of rising lows, sometimes have the lowest tested at a later time which resulted in a slightly lower lågpunkt but the share has in all cases come back and steamed further up.
In the beginning of may showed the share a trendacceleration on the upper side, which is a sign of strength… but that often results in a temporary peak when the shares traded up to a much extended level in relation to the long-term jämviktsvärdet, MA 40 weeks. The previous overbought situation have in recent weeks gradually neutralized as the share is approaching jämviktsvärdet which creates an interesting köpläge then it coincides with the utbrottsnivån from the end of april.
So long as the share is trading above the 75kr, conditions are good for a test of the previous peak.
The emergency exit is placed preferably at a close below 72.50 usd, målkurs is set to the 89kr.
Would the share the against all odds show weakness by significantly pass 75kr on the downside followed by further decline through 69kr has a lower bottom set up, but just like in previous occasions this does not necessarily have long-term consequences.
The stock is traded over the long-term rising 40-week.
NIBE Industrier B
Entrance buy
The OMXS Large Cap
Emergency exit
72.50 kr
Direct avk.
The stock is traded on the stockholm stock exchange, under the symbol NIBE B.
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