MTG B has launched a new konsolideringsintervall where the support at around 276kr constitutes a short-term buy level against 307kr. So long as the share is trading above the 260kr is huvudtrenden positive.
MTG B shares broke free on the top during the month of december from a wider handelsintervall between 210kr and 259kr. At the outbreak increased the volume significantly, which reflects an underlying strong köptryck who took shares past may, the highest around the 293kr which triggered a new buy signal.
The share has subsequently formed a new konsolideringsintervall between 276 and 307kr, a good bit above the last range, which indicates that a higher jämviktspris become accepted by the market. As long as the roof in the last handelsintervallet d.v.p. 260kr acting as a support in the event of weaker than expected is huvudtrenden positive.
The current recoil is buyable in particular at further decline against the intervallbotten around 276kr which is expected to continue and lead to a new köprusch against 307kr. If the share in a later stage, significant forces 315kr is indicated on the rise against the previous highs around 355kr.
A stoploss can be placed narrowly in the case of continued rebound in relation to the potential on the upper side, it is proposed a purchase at 276kr. The emergency exit is placed preferably at a closing under 270kr. Målkurs is set to 306kr. In the long term, it is only at a crossing of the 365kr on the top as a test of the all-time-highs at the 500 is likely.
The share is trading above the rising jämviktsvärdet MA 40 weeks.
Entrance buy
The OMXS Large Cap
Emergency exit
287.70 kr
Direct avk.
The stock is traded on the stockholm stock exchange, under the symbol MTG B.
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