The first “closing” of the fund Hemisphere, made on the 30th of may, marks a key step in the development of the fund of the social impact (” social impact bonds “), by bringing together large institutional investors around a priority issue : the acceptance and accommodation of the public in difficulty.
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The capital of the fund is provided by Aviva France, BNP Paribas Cardif, the Caisse des Dépôts, CNP Assurances, MAIF and PRO BTP, for a total amount of commitments of 100 million euros. These investors are part of a innovative approach to investment in social impact : a portion of their compensation dependent on the achievement of social goals, evaluated every year by an independent auditor, and including information on the schooling of children, the opening of the social rights of people or the ability to refer them to permanent housing.
A loan from the development Bank of the Council of Europe (CEB) complete these contributions.
Hemisphere has a financing capacity of 10 000 places of emergency shelter intended to house the most vulnerable people, while offering them a social support. Adoma, a subsidiary of the group, SNI and the first actor in the emergency shelter, provides operational missions of accommodation and social support in accordance with a specification defined by the State.
As soon as this summer, following the acquisition by the fund of a portfolio of more than 60 economic hotels, 6 000 seats will be deployed on the entire territory.
“The fund Hemisphere is a real change of scale in the world of social impact bonds, since it is the first project of this size in France as abroad,” says Vincent Mahé, president of the AMPERE Management and secretary general of the group SNI.
“This shows the needs related to the emergency shelter, but also the increasing importance attached by investors to the social dimension of their choice. Hemisphere enables both the State to achieve a saving of 40% on the cost of hotel stays, improve the quality of social support and to develop capacity quickly. This type of device could be extended to other fields that require an important mobilization of own funds, including the funding of social infrastructure such as public housing”.
Adoma offers housing solutions and accommodations to the public who are experiencing difficulties or economic insertion and do not stay in the park real estate classic. Adoma welcome everywhere in France more than 76 000 people in 400 homes social, 167 households, 192 reception centres for asylum seekers, 34 guest houses, accommodation centres, emergency accommodation. A genuine tool in favour of the insertion by the housing, Adoma inscribes its action in national and local politics of habitat.
It is based on 2 573 employees. For more information :
AMPERE Management
A 100% subsidiary of the Société Nationale Immobilière (Caisse des Dépôts Group), AMPERE Management is a portfolio management company authorised by the financial markets Authority. After creating the first two vehicles regulated dedicated to housing intermediary, totalling more than four billion euros of investment capacity, she develops a complementary offering of real estate funds.
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The information provided does not constitute in any case a council, an offer, a solicitation or a recommendation of specific investments. This product is designed for the professional client within the meaning of the MIFID Directive. For more information :
The group SNI
A real estate subsidiary to a vocation of general interest to the Caisse des Dépôts, the group SNI is the first lessor to French with more than 348 000 housing units managed on the whole territory, of which 262 000 social housing and very social, and 86 000 housing intermediaries. The Group covers the whole of the rental offer and is committed to promote the implementation of a real golf course residential and a better accessibility to the property. For more information : – @groupesni
The Caisse des Dépôts
The Caisse des Dépôts and its subsidiaries constitute a public group and long-term investor at the service of the general interest and the economic development of the territories. Its mission was reaffirmed by the law on modernising the economy of 4 August 2008. Recognized for his expertise in the management of mandates, the Group focuses its action on four transitions strategic for the long-term development of France : the transitions territorial, environmental and energy, digital and demographic.
Founded in 1956, the CEB (Development Bank of the Council of Europe has 41 member States, including 22 European countries in central, eastern and South-East forming the target countries of the Bank. As a major instrument of solidarity policy in Europe, the Bank finances social projects by making available resources raised in conditions reflecting the quality of its rating (Aa1 with Moody’s, outlook stable, AA+ with Standard & Poor’s, outlook stable and AA+ with Fitch Ratings, outlook stable). It grants loans to its member States, to financial institutions and to local authorities for the financing of projects in the social sector, in accordance with its statute.
Aviva France
With over 180 years of experience in France, Aviva France, a subsidiary of one of the first insurers of life and damage in Europe, offers a complete range of products to 3 million clients, individuals, craftsmen, traders, liberal professions and small and medium-sized enterprises. The company is distinguished by a solid model and cost-effective for multiple dispensing (general agents, brokers, advisors, life, advisors in asset management UFF and direct insurance). Aviva France also has partners such as AFER, the first association of savers in France. Aviva France directly employs more than 4300 employees. For more information : – @AvivaFrance
BNP Paribas Cardif
The world’s number one insurance emprunteur1, BNP Paribas Cardif designs offers innovative and high-performance savings and protection, in a world profoundly changed by the emergence of new practices and ways of life. A subsidiary of BNP Paribas, the company relies on a unique business model based on partnership. It co-creates its deals with distributors from a variety of sectors who provide marketing to their customers. Present in 36 countries, with strong positions in three areas (Europe, Asia, and Latin America), with 100 million clients, BNP Paribas Cardif has become a global specialist in the insurance of persons. More than 10 000 collaborateurs2 in the world participate in the realization of a turnover, which amounted to 27.1 billion euros, 57% of which generated internationally, in 2016. For more information : @bnnp_Cardif
CNP Assurances
CNP Assurances is the leading insurer of individuals in France with a net income of 1 200 million euros in 2016. The Group is also present in Europe and in Latin America, with strong activity in Brazil. He has more than 35 million insured persons in the pension/protection in the world and more than $ 14 million in savings/retirement. For 160 years, CNP Assurances ensures the protection of persons against the hazards of life. CNP Assurances designs and manages contracts in life insurance, retirement, pensions and protection (hedging of loans and health). CNP Assurances is listed on the Paris Bourse since October 1998 (1 market) and relies on a stable shareholding structure formalised by the signing of a pact between the main shareholders (Caisse des Dépôts, La Banque Postale, Groupe BPCE and the French State). For more information – @CNP_Assurances
4th insurer cars and 1 insurer in the associative sector, MAIF covers all the needs of its 3 million members (insurance, property, retirement, health, assistance, savings, credit, etc.). The mutual is regularly acclaimed in the field of customer relationship where it is the leading French companies, across all sectors. In 2015, the group MAIF has achieved a turnover of 3,365 billion euros. For more information :
Health, pension, retirement, savings and insurance, PRO BTP, the social protection group at the service of companies, craftsmen, employees, apprentices and retirees in the CONSTRUCTION industry. PRO BTP provides 3.3 million members, active and retired, and 197 800 companies. To build tomorrow’s services and strengthen its assistance and its board, the Group has undertaken a process of permanent innovation. Actor committed with construction professionals, PRO BTP develops solutions with high added social value. For more information – @PROBTP_Groupe
1 Source: Finaccord
2 employees of the legal entities controlled by BNP Paribas Cardif : nearly 8,000 employees
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