Allianz France is a founding member of the Megacities Institute

Allianz France associates itself to the creation of the Megacities Institute as a founding member.

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 Launched in march 2017, the Megacities Institute aims to enable and disseminate research on the changes that involve the emergence and expansion of mega-cities.

 The Institute will present on June 27, 2017 his first works during a public event : “City & automotive in 2030: divorce or reconciliation ? ”

Non-profit institute, the Megacities Institute is a platform of research dedicated to the study, evaluation, and resolution of issues of megacities.

The emergence of mega-cities leads to having to rethink the structures and modes of urban life. These high concentrations the human accentuate the problems faced by large cities such as pollution, safety, traffic, energy resources…

Located in Paris, Megacities Institute has the ambition to study the impact of the emergence and development growing from these mega-cities, the different solutions put in place in the world to solve these problems and get to know them.

Thus, the first work of the Institute are focused on the needs and expectations of mobility related to the emergence and development of megacities. On 27 June will take place the event ” City & automotive in 2030 : divorce or reconciliation ? “, which will present the results of this work. “During this event will be presented the study on the mobility and urban life in megacities in europe (3 in 100 respondents). Carried out by the experts of GiPA, this study asks individuals, of all ages, in 10 mega-cities : Barcelona, Berlin, London, Lyon, Madrid, Milan, Moscow, Paris, Rome and Warsaw.

This first public event will be held at the ESSCA Paris, from 13h30 to 17h00.

“As an insurer, the mobility is already at the heart of our business, our concerns. However, what it will be tomorrow, and that already is emerging with, for example, the emergence of autonomous vehicles, will be very strongly linked to the transformations of cities and their infrastructure, to fit the car and the new means of transportation such as airport shuttles autonomous or other vehicles, individual electric ones. Sure, it is predict and accompany. It is for this reason that the Allianz group has accepted with enthusiasm and interest to the proposal made by Franck Cazenave, becoming, alongside Bosch and the GiPA, a founding member of the Megacities Institute “, points out François Nédey, Director Technical insurance, property and responsibilities of Allianz France.

About Allianz
Allianz, a leading global insurance offers a comprehensive range covering all needs in insurance, assistance and financial services to individuals, professionals, businesses and communities. With nearly 140,000 employees worldwide, Allianz is present in more than 70 countries, serving 86 million customers.

Largest general insurer, heritage specialist, social protection, Allianz France is based on the wealth of its expertise and the dynamism of its 9 000 employees in France. Nearly 7,000 commercial intermediaries, Agents, Advisors, Brokers, Partners, advise and accompany the 5.5 million customers who trust Allianz France.

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