The company ABEO, announces that it has made available to the public and filed with the French financial markets Authority its annual financial report to march 31, 2017, including the management report of the Board of Directors to the combined General Meeting ordinary and extraordinary, of July 19, 2017.
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These reports can be consulted on the website of the company at the address in the section “Financial Information / Documents”
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ABEO is a leading player in the market of sport and recreation (” sportainment “). As at 31 march 2017, the Group recorded a turnover of 167 M, of which 70% is outside France, and employs 1 200 employees.
Creator, manufacturer and distributor of sports equipment and leisure, ABEO supports its clients in professional meeting rooms and sports clubs, specialized, leisure centres, education sector, local authorities, building professionals… in the implementation of their projects.
ABEO has a single global with a presence in many segments : equipment and mats for gymnastics, equipment for group sports, physical education, rock climbing walls, leisure, development of new changing rooms. The Group holds a portfolio of strong brands, partners, sports federations present on the major sporting events including the Olympic Games.
ABEO (ISIN code FR0013185857, ABEO) is listed on Euronext Paris Compartment C.
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