Language learning the boldogulásért address ad of 3.3 billion huf, the high school extracurricular to learn foreign languages to help tender the Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi) – Novak Catherine’s family, youth and international affairs secretary of state Tuesday at a press conference in Budapest.
Novak Catherine presented the programme in the framework of the high school students in the school may participate in special courses which the school language, and higher education institutions language major students are held to them.
The secretary of state told us: in the invitation to tender higher education institution or by their consortia to participate, the winning amount of aid 330 million from 410 million up to huf, so it is expected to be 8 to 10 applications they can support. The program will implement a minimum of 30, maximum of 36 months available.
Schanda Tamás european union development policy is responsible for the secretary of state underlined: the aim of the competition, to experience-centred, non-formal classes to improve the high school students language skills and increase motivation the study.
The tender in the framework of in addition, the teachers and the students can participate in foreign exchange programs, study trips, – he said.
It was important that the programme in the framework of the high school students learn foreign languages in the age of close to college age helps, which she says contributes to the experience like to.
The tender frame also provides for an alternative language learning forms to develop, holiday language courses, e-learning development – e Schanda Tamás.
Apply August 14 – first round – August 30, the sign can be found at page.