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Wages : firms still very cautious

“It is time that the employees benefit from the benefits of growth “, said in mid-January, the trade unionists in the German IG Metall by launching a work stoppage to get a 6% increase in wages. The employers of the metallurgy has dropped to + 4.3 percent. Not later than Thursday, 22 February, the employees of Air France are invited by ten trade unions to go on strike to get 6 % increase “to the title of the inflation of the lost’ for six years. France would follow the German example ? With the improvement of growth and employment, the expectations are high.

In mid-January, a study by international recruitment firm Robert Walters, showed that the wage demands were in a net increase in frames. In France, across all sectors, managers or experts count on increases of 7 % to 10 %. And the proportion of those who hoped to see their pay increase by more than 7 % is far from insignificant : 28 %.

Source of tensions

The companies of the concern. Because, among the non-executives also, the topic of wages again becomes sensitive. “In recent years, evidenced by Mohammed Oussedik, secretary-general of the federation CGT-Glass-Ceramics, the most important question was to keep his job, and it is always the case in sectors such as distribution. But, in companies where the investments are recovering, the employees want their share of results. For non-employees, compensation has become the major source of tension with the employer. It is sufficient that a holiday bonus is not revalued and it is the conflict. “

More than one company on two (58 %) has opened its mandatory annual negotiations (NAO), one-third (29 %) has been finalized. Deloitte, which publishes Tuesday, February 20, its annual salary survey in 2018, ad budgets increase, ” takes into account the inflation, etc.

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