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The reputation of Lion Air’s tarnished by the crash off the coast of Indonesia, one of its Boeing

The crash in the Java sea, Monday, October 29, from a device of a low-cost airline of indonesia it comes, once more, to highlight the risks generated by the rapid expansion and dramatic of the market of the air in an archipelago with thousands of islands. And when the plane is in recent years become a means of transport almost mandatory for many of its 255 million inhabitants.

The Boeing 737 Max, an aircraft brand new, which entered into service this summer, was taken off 13 minutes earlier to the airport in Jakarta when it suddenly disappeared from radar screens early in the morning. Previously, the driver had seemed to be experiencing difficulties, asking the control tower for permission to make a u-turn.

This device of the company Lion Air, which was carrying 181 passengers and eight crew members, was to connect the city of Pangkal Pinang, which is located in one of the islands of the province of Bangka Belitung, a tourist destination off the coast of Sumatra.

The director of the national Agency search and rescue (Basarnas) has left Tuesday, no hope for the families of the passengers : Bambang Suryo Aji predicted that no one ” only survived because the bodies of the victims that [we] have already recovered were severely damaged and it is therefore likely that the 189 people on board are dead “.

The Boeing had known the day before, a ” technical problem ”

Given the depth of the sea at this place, of the order of 30 to 40 meters, the rescuers believe that the black box of the aircraft should be quickly found. Videos disseminated on the social networks of indonesians showed traces of fuel oil on the water as well as a number of debris floating around, including the very recognizable company logo, a roaring lion in red colour.

The pilot and co-pilot, which amounted to the two of them eleven thousand hours of flight time, were experienced. The director of Lion Air, Edward Sirait, has, however,…

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