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The new measures for the protection of employees divided doctors

She remembers visits to the chain. A person to see every quarter of an hour, and the next… You only deepen not, it was “interviews veterinarians” “. When they looked back on forty years of career, Fabienne Bardot, doctor’s work in the Region, acknowledges that the practice of his profession has evolved positively. It has seen a succession of reforms changing the organization of its work and to ” do more in my job as a doctor “. In his eyes, the last, the fruit of the law-work of 2016, will also in this sense.

What does it provide ? Since the 1st of January 2017, it has introduced important changes in the medical monitoring of employees. Among them, the medical examination of hiring is replaced by a simple visit to information and prevention, the medical examination of ability being restricted to only positions at risk (exposed to carcinogens, and to risk in hyperbaric…), a greater place is given to the nurses in the follow-up of employees, the frequency of the visits required increased from two to five years maximum… so Many changes aimed at focusing efforts on employees who are most in need of medical follow-up and to free up more time for doctors so that they can invest more in the analysis of risks and prevention.

These changes are born from a double observation : the number of occupational physicians is continuing to decrease (about 5 000 in France today), and rethinking the organisation and tasks of the profession. At the same time, it aimed to make more efficient the health prevention in the company. While the reform is in place, the figures are there to remind all the news of the topic : costs of work stoppages increased by 5.2% in 2017.

Psychosocial risks

The follow-up, and will be proposed as-t-he of nature to better support employees ? The question of debate among the doctors of the work….

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