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The market of baby diapers in the midst of a crisis

Alert to the radius of the diapers ! Falling sales, price war, the sudden arrival of competitors pugnaces, attacks on the composition of the products… Long time in the shelter of the shocks in the economy, this sector is today at the heart of the storm. “This is a market that is fought “, there is at Lotus, one of the newcomers, who did not expect to such a quarrel. “The competition is strong, it encourages us to be continuously improved performance “, recognize modestly the makers of Pampers, the brand leadeuse, the first victim of the current turmoil.

Marketing experts are unanimous : of all the consumer products, diapers for babies represent the one who suffers the most at the moment. While households have regained confidence and spent more in 2017 to provide cooked food, bio…, the market of the layers has, on the contrary, plunged. In one year, sales in supermarkets have fallen by 7.5 %, to 762 million euros, according to the company analysis Nielsen. By incorporating other distribution networks more dynamic, as the sites on the Internet, the institute Kantar assesses the decline to 5 %.

The French market was already a little lower in 2015 and in 2016. The movement is accented in 2017. In question, above all, a birth in bern. After fifteen years of increases, the number of births in metropolitan France reached a peak in 2010. Since then, he backs away each month in a more obvious way. Births have declined 8 % in seven years. A phenomenon due to the lower number of women of childbearing age, but also to a lesser fecundity, as some relate either to the crisis and a lack of confidence in the future, either at a policy benefits less generous.

“Consumers measure the quality of our product ”

Problem : while the cake has shrunk, the number of guests has increased. Several small companies have tried their luck, such as Joone,…

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