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The governance of Foncière INEA renewed for three years by the General Meeting of 17 may 2017

The mixed general Meeting of shareholders of Foncière INEA was held on may 17, 2017 under the chairmanship of Philippe Rosio, Chairman of the Board of directors.

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During this meeting, the shareholders have confirmed all of the directors in their duties, by renewing for three years their mandates members of the board of directors, and censors.

The Board of directors held after this General Meeting was then renewed its trust in Philippe Rosio, by renewing for three years at the head of Foncière INEA in the capacity of President and choosing in addition to combining the functions of Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive officer. Philippe Rosio will, therefore, continue to assume the general management of Foncière INEA, with the title of President and Chief executive officer.

The Board of directors has also renewed Arline Gaujal-Kempler as a managing Director for a further term of three years.

The shareholders and the Board of Directors have expressed their confidence in the founding team of Foncière INEA and the task of carrying out the development plan announced at the beginning of the year, with the aim of one billion euros in heritage, here 5 years.
It is to be noted that during this General Meeting, the shareholders also approved the payment of a dividend for the year 2016 of 1.80 euros per share, an increase of 9% compared to the dividend of the previous year, with a yield of 4.7% over the course of the action.

This dividend could be paid in cash or in new shares (issued on the basis of a price of 32,77 €). At the end of the option period, which ran until 31 may 2017, 69 % of the shareholding of Foncière INEA has opted for the payment of the dividend in shares.

The company has therefore proceeded with a capital increase (including issuance premium) of 7.113.809,91 € on June 9, 2017, by the creation of 217 083 new shares.

These new shares are to be delivered and admitted to trading on the regulated market of Euronext Paris on June 9, 2017. They will bear dividend rights as at 1 January 2017 and will be fully assimilated to the shares already admitted to trading on the regulated market of Euronext Paris.

After this operation, the share capital of Foncière INEA amounted to 86.242.982,62 €.

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