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The digital, be a miracle solution to lower the prices of new housing ?

This is the question that always comes to embarrass the promoters. When a real price decline in the new real estate ? Despite the “shock” of simplification to repetition, force is to note, as indicated by the observatory of prices of nine of the Federation of real estate developers, that the average price of the square meter of housing in France not retreating… but increases year after year.

In the first quarter of 2018, the price increased 3 % from 2017 and averaged 4 314 € /m2. “The main factor that explains this increase continues, it is the cost of the land, justifies Alain Goujon, director of production cost control in Nexity. It is already very expensive and its value increases because of competition that the proponents engage them for certain operations. “

The situation, however, is not irreversible. Tired of not being able to drop the price of the land, it is to the digital as the leaders of the building construction turned to reduce costs.

In 2015, Vinci Construction plunges in the large bathroom with its subsidiary Primméa. The objective of the enterprise at that time is clear : “to Propose to the purchasers of the apartments up to 30% less expensive, without compromising their quality. “Three years later, the bet is almost required, due to, among other things, a clever use of the BIM (Building Information Modeling), a sort of digital mock-up.

A 50 m2 sold in the Nancy city centre it costs about 139 000 euros when it is performed by Primméa. Whereas, in competition, to a surface, and equivalent benefits, you will need to spend between 160 000 and 180 000 euros. If the goal of 30 % has not been reached yet, the company is on the right track.

A platform named KROQI

For Vinci Construction, BIM brings together engineering, architecture, engineering, design, and construction. “It…

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