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The battle for sales in China-Usa could also be winners

For economists, the case is heard : the trade wars are bad for global growth and mostly losers. Among households, who see prices rise, and among the companies and chains of production exploded to the four corners of the planet. The commercial battle between Washington and Beijing “could have a” significant economic cost “, comes again to warn the international monetary Fund (IMF).

The atmosphere between the two countries is more than cool : China has cancelled the new series of trade negotiations expected soon with the United States as well as the travel to Washington of the deputy prime minister Liu He scheduled the next week, as well reported, Friday 21 September, the Wall Street Journal.

It does not prevent. These past few weeks, the scenarios are multiplied on the potential beneficiaries, among the third countries, the trial of strength between China and the United States. For the past several months, the two giants confront each other with blows of customs duties, punitive damages, a new round shall enter into force on Monday, 24 September.

Spectators climbing, some companies from Europe, North America or Asia hope to be the winning what analysts call the ” effects of diversion of traffic “: their products, the prices become comparatively more attractive, could replace those of their competitors in the chinese and u.s. on these two markets.

Mexico and Canada is well placed
The automotive industry, machinery, and aviation should benefit from this test of strength, bilateral

The game of ” who loses wins “, Mexico and Canada, traditional partners of the United States, are obviously well placed. They are not the only ones. The european Union (EU) also has its chances, let alone being already the second largest supplier to both the United States and China.


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