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SNCF : the strikers ready to ” harden the movement “

On the first day of the thirteenth sequence to strike at the SNCF, they were several hundreds of railway workers gathered Thursday, may 3, in the after-noon, in front of the Ecole militaire, in Paris. Four days before being received at Matignon by prime minister, Edouard Philippe, the federations, the CGT, UNSA, SUD, CFDT, and FO had called for a rally in the capital, but also in front of the prefectures in the region, to “put pressure” on the executive.

By post to the agency rail test, Peter has made the trip to Paris. It has been in all the strikes since the 22 march. Contrary to the direction of the SNCF, which pointed to a decline in mobilization (29.8% of strikers among the officers with the movement of trains on Thursday, compared to 32,2 % on 24 April), he refuses to talk about a breath of the trade union movement. “With an average of 30 % of the strikers, the rates are good,” he says.

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