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Seban and Associates announces the appointment of three new partners and two directors

SEBAN & ASSOCIÉS strengthens its teams by co-opting three new associates : Solenne Daucé, Celine Lherminier, and A. Ramel. The firm, leader in its sectors of activity, now comprises 13 partners and 70 lawyers. These appointments allow, in the context of significant growth of the firm, to ensure the continuity of its expertise and to strengthen the support of its customers.

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Solenne Daucé, associated

Solenne Daucé, 37 years old, is a lawyer at the Paris Bar since 2005. Holds a master in internal public law (University of Paris II – Assas) and a masters degree in Human Rights Law, humanitarian law (University of Paris II – Assas), she joined Seban & Associés in 2009 where she is in charge since 2011 of the sectors Intercommunal cooperation, local Finance, Environment.

In quality of partner, will be Entitled to the intercommunal cooperation and local cooperation, Law, public finance, environmental Law and Law of tourism, with a team of 4 lawyers.
Celine Lherminier, associated

Until then the responsibility of the sectors, land use Planning and Development from Seban & Associés, Celine Lherminier, 39 years old, is a lawyer at the Paris Bar since 2005. Holder of a DEA in environmental Law (University of Paris I – Sorbonne) and a master-Jurist Council of local government (University of Paris II – Assas) after the Institute of Political Studies of Lille, she joined Seban & associés in 2006.

In quality of partner, she will be speaking on all issues related to the Rights of the urban planning, spatial planning and the land Law, which arise for the local authorities, their public institutions and their tools, with a team of 6 lawyers.
A. Ramel, partner

A. Ramel, age 37, is a lawyer and since 2007 member of the Paris Bar. Until then responsible for the Life segment of the public actors, administrative Responsibility and Transport, it is holds a master in internal public Law (University Paris II – Assas), a DESS Juriste territorial (University of Paris II -Assas) and is a graduate of the Institut d’etudes politiques de Paris.

As partner, he will intervene in the areas of institutional Law, the electoral Law, the administrative Liability and Transportation with a team of 4 lawyers.
Nadia Ben Ayed and Eglantine Enjalbert are named Directors in two areas of intensive development. Nadia Ben Ayed will be in charge of the sector of social and solidarity Economy and of the health and social and Eglantine Enjalbert one of the social Housing.

With these 5 appointments, the Firm affirms its willingness to structure themselves in order to perpetuate the know-how and foster the involvement of his entire team in the pursuit of its development. The Firm confirms its effort to better offer, according to its vocation, a dynamic collection of all of the skills and research of best practices in the service of the public actors and the social and solidarity economy.

“These appointments are part of the will of the Firm at the time of promoting the talents of the new generation of lawyers and rely on the skills of the lawyers confirmed, so that they contribute to the development of their respective practices to meet the needs of our public-sector clients in a legal world in continuous evolution and always more demanding,” stresses Didier Seban, managing partner and founder of the Firm.

Implanted in Paris, Lyon, Grenoble and Toulouse, the firm Seban & Associates is the first firm of lawyers, addressed to all actors, public and quasi-public and the social and solidarity economy. Thanks to its multidisciplinary approach, it is able to respond to all the concerns of the territorial communities, the State, and many other public actors and the social and solidarity economy, which it is totally dedicated to it. To ensure effective support and quality, and to deal with complex legal situations, it is now based on a team of 70 lawyers, including 10 partners – working in areas of expertise and centers of expertise are complementary.

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