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SEB: New poll shows strong support for the digitisation of welfare services

SEB’s Välfärdsbarometer 2017 has identified the Swedish public’s attitudes to the digitisation of welfare services. Overall, the hopes, the great and the attitude positive.

SEB’s privatekonom Jens Magnusson comments on the results:

– One can guess that the public’s positive attitude is about the hope that new technologies will bring new features, higher quality and better availability. IT-tools should be added to the regular service, which we then use in the past. However, there is a difficult balance to make because it from health care providers, it is hoped that a large savings and potential for improving efficiency. It shall be realized, they need digital services rather substitute than complement many of today’s existing services, and personal meetings.

SEB’s Välfärdsbarometer shows that the group with weak digital capabilities is more critical to the digitisation of welfare services.

– When efforts are being made to deliver on the digital opportunities in the welfare area, to achieve both improvements for users and reduced costs, it is important that the group with weak digital capabilities are not provided for. To avoid digital divides are created should not new digital features to be introduced without efforts are also made to all users to be able to enjoy the benefits, ” Jens Magnusson.

The retirement age expectancy has stopped rising

SEB’s Välfärdsbarometer 2017 has also, for the tenth year in a row, surveyed when the swedes want to and expect to retire. Throughout the decade, we have seen that the expected retirement age has risen. Now, however, the curve leveled out and the retirement age expectancy has stopped rising.

SEB’s Välfärdsbarometer 2017 notes, too, that the pessimism about pensions is widespread.

– To strengthen pensions, and trust in the pension system, the necessary political measures which encourage enhanced sustainability, among other things, to an extended working life and increased savings. Is not the risk of both attitudes to pensions and the actual reimbursement rates to prospective retirees, will continue to fall, ” Jens Magnusson.

Despite the slight increase in Välfärdsindex, Sweden is clearly behind the rest of the nordic countries

SEB’s Välfärdsbarometer reports the annual measurement of trust in welfare services, SEB’s Välfärdsindex. It shows that Sweden, despite a slight upturn in the year, still is clear after the other nordic countries. The most satisfied in the Nordic countries is Norway. In Sweden, we are most pleased with the dental care and least satisfied with pensions, and aid to find a new job if you were to become unemployed.

Read the full report here

Press release (PDF)

Välfärdsbarometern 2017

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