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“Rather than celebrate the millennials, it is better to identify perennials “

My life in a box. The mania to cut the population in washers, based on dates of birth, would she have the lead in the wing ? The naming of the generations and baby-boomeurs, X, Y/millennials, or Z, and assign them specific characteristics, is a recent practice, which began with the boom of births in the immediate post-war period. Of course, the context of geopolitical, technological, and economic situation during childhood, adolescence, and adulthood influences on behaviour. This may explain a certain similarity of tastes, to report to the authority, type of consumption within an age class.

But what influence these so-called constants generational vis-à-vis the unique qualities of an individual, irrespective of his date of birth ? Not much, writes Gina Pell, co-founder and editor-in-chief of the website The What, in an article published in October 2016, but each year a little more topical.

Regardless of his age, we can be curious about everything, stay up with the latest technological developments, to have friends his own age, but much younger or much older. Be creative and enterprising. In short, be renewed each year, without losing any of its qualities, like perennial plants (perennial, in English). Rather than celebrate the millennials, so it is best to identify the Perennials, writes Gina Pell.

In a forthcoming article in the Harvard Business Review, Avivah Wittenberg-Cox, CEO of the consulting company 20-first, sinking the nail. “It has long been regarded as customers and in their seventies were bound to be retired […], living among them, followers of cruises for the third age. While currently they prefer to engage fully in this third phase of their life. “Both at a personal and professional level.

The “un-retired” to arrive

The retirees are…

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