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Morgonrapport: Positive attitude with strength from indextunga companies…

Positive attitude continued to be experienced on Tuesday, as managed to step over to the next resistance level. The OMXS30 managed at the end of Tuesday’s trading to close +0.77% to 1641.71 points. The turnover on the stockholm stock exchange amounted to sek 16 billion. Continued positivity is expected for today’s börsöppning, leading futures suggests that we may have an opening around 1643 points. Wednesday’s trading closes at 13:00 due to ascension day on Thursday.

Morgonrapporten now take a small break in the week, but is back in the usual order on Monday after the ledigheterna.

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Today’s analysis

To a large part of Tuesday’s trade was carried out just below the resistance at 1640 points. With just a few minutes left to the stock exchange closed, managed OMXS30 step over and close at the 1641.71 points.

The outbreak and the closure above is in itself positive, while it is worth noting that during the three trading days now got a slightly declining köpstyrka.

We are faced with half-day on the stock market, then tomorrow will be closed due to ascension day. This means that we expect a slightly weaker activity on the Swedish stock market than usual.

Leading futures point early this morning that we can be open about 1643 points, which would mean that we can establish ourselves over 1640 points.

During Tuesday’s trading accounted Ericsson as a clear winner, which finally broke loose from his concentration, and rushed more than +4.5%. Indextunga the trio as H&M, Ericsson and Telia, with a weight of almost 16% together has a clear impact on the OMXS30 index with its development. H&M broke away from their concentration on Monday, while we gave an earlier preview on the rise with their outbreaks.

This creates a further positive piece of the puzzle, which may possibly be helpful as support for on the rise and challenge of 1670 points shortly.

The united states continued slightly further up on the Tuesday, but again it is mixed strains, particularly in the Japanese Nikkei 225, which have demonstrated positive progressions with a rise of half a percent during the night in Asia. Hang Seng is trading slightly to the minus.

Leading u.s. S&P 500, semester, notes a slight decline of -0.10%, after the night’s trading in Asia.

The oil that we mentioned earlier as a possible trigger in the week, then on Thursday ahead of the Opec meeting, continues to maintain its position around the 54 dollars for tomorrow.

It feels like an extension of the agreement an additional 9 months after the summer is a matter of course now, while it is of course always risks. We simply have to wait and see, to possibly re-evaluate the situation when we are back with morgonrapporten on Monday again.

Many of you will probably take a much needed time off on Friday, which is klämdag, and to you, we wish a lot of sun and heat!

The tragic bombing in Manchester in the week in which the 22 person died, and more than 50 people were injured, of course, is extremely boring. The united kingdom raised on Tuesday night terrorhotnivån in the country from ”serious” to ”critical”, which is the highest level reported by several british media.

The british FTSE 100 fell only -0.15% on Tuesday, and therefore gave no greater börspåverkan around Europe. But if something unexpected happens in the week with a slightly wider decline, this may very well trickle over to the rest of the european stock index OMXS30.

Ahead of today’s trade await after the establishment of the previous resistance level of 1640 points, technical resistance levels at 1650, but primarily in 1670, followed by 1682 and 1720 points.

Support levels are now awaiting the already in 1640, followed by 1630, but above all 1600 points.

What hålltider and the company reports the next weeks you can read here.

Yesterday’s main börshändelser.

Nokia soars on multi-year agreements relating to patentlicensiering and cooperation with Apple.

Step initially over 6 per cent to a new high for the year on Tuesday.

Nokia rises sharply on Tuesday, after it in a press release stated that the company signed a multi-year agreement around the patentlicensiering and cooperation with Apple.

This ends all litigation regarding intellectual property rights between the companies.

Nokia will also get a cash up-front payment from Apple, followed by further payments to continue during the contract time. Much more than so is not clear, then the details of the agreement are confidential.

Tuesday’s rise means that the Nokia notes, a new high for the year, and establish itself over the long-term resistance at 54 kroner.

Eftersläntrarnas revenge?

Indextunga the trio with a total weight of 15.8%, indicates support for further rise?!?

Indextunga the trio with both H&M, Ericsson and Telia continues to show a positive attitude on Tuesday. Ericsson and H&M eftersläpar something, but looks at the same time, to pull together in the face of further outbreaks. In particular, Ericsson has gathered over a longer period of time, and challenged the heavy resistance at sek 60 during the 10 serious occasions, at the same time as we are now approaching the end of triangelformationen…

H&M finally broke out of its previous handelsintervall on Monday, and the challenge now the next resistance level…

Showing Telia of the way by now taken ledartronen with both the outbreak of resistance, and a rise of almost 8 per cent in a month?!?

Kopparberg Brewery is rushing to report!

Step initially over 6 percent on Tuesday.

Kopparbergs Brewery reported a profit after tax of 24.0 million in the first quarter of 2017.

Net sales amounted to sek 362 million, while operating profit was 41.1 million.

”We continue our focus on the uk cidermarknaden and during the period we have increased by 14 per cent against the same period last year. In pubs (on-trade), retain the Kopparberg Cider its position as the most selling brand on the bottle and on the grocery chains (off-trade), we are still the second most sold brand,” wrote the company’s ceo Peter Bronsman.

The company’s share received positive signals for the rise already at the establishment of triangelformation on Monday, while Tuesday’s rise given the establishment of the MA 100 and above trendline, and challenge the next resistance at 229 kronor.

Hålltider during the day

Company reports


Macro statistics


All börshändelser and estimates for the week can be found here!

Latest börsnyheterna

The stockholm stock exchange rose gently on Tuesday. Ericsson was up since Apple made up with Nokia on patent licensing.

At the time of closing was OMXS30 index up 0.8 percent to 1.642 and turnover on the stockholm stock exchange passed the 16 billion.

At the macro level, step German IFO index, an indicator of the entrepreneurship in the country.

In Stockholm, where H&M is the most actively traded share, rose 0.3 per cent after Monday’s sign of relief in the pressed German clothing industry. Swedbank’s repeated in the light of the statistics, his advice, in a morgonbrev. Storägaren Stefan Persson has purchased an additional 1.1 million shares in the klädjätten during the Friday and on Monday, it emerged on Tuesday and SEB internmäklade a record of 1.9 million H&M shares in the afternoon.

Nokia and Apple have signed a multi-year contract for patentlicensiering and cooperation. The agreement ends all legal disputes on intellectual property between the companies. Nokia’s shares rose more than 6 percent to its highest level since early 2016.

The rise the spread of the sheen to the competitor Ericsson, whose share was up 4.6 per cent and thus became clearly the best OMXS30 share also the second most traded share.

Billerud Korsnäs has fixed the problem that stopped the production of the pulp line in the Mill. Direct negative effect on the ebitda result of the crash, is estimated at about 25 million after insurance claims. Packaging producer, increased 4 percent on the news.

Volvo held a capital markets day and rose just over 1 percent.

In the bottom of the OMXS30 index were ABB, who went on a rekommendationssänkning to neutral from outperform by Exane. The share fell 0.5 per cent.

Among midcapbolagen climbed the B&B Tools 7 per cent. The company has announced the timetable for a previously announced spin-off of its subsidiary, Momentum, which the first trading day planned for 14 June, and also informed if the ceo changes.

Debutante writer Medicover rose to 65:50 at the intense trade, 17 per cent of the introductory price of sek 56.

Less successful was the conduct of the debut of the Aktietorgsbolaget Norinvent, is active in the ”drug delivery”. The share was traded for the 2:65 sek, 24 percent down from the strike price the 3:50 at a spridningsemission before the listing.

Smallcapbolaget Bactiguard has won a procurement of urinkatetrar for the Stockholm County council. Shares rose nearly 9 per cent.

Delays after omprojektering affected the result of Byggpartner in the first quarter. The operating result was 8.7 million crowns, as against 16 million for the corresponding period of the previous year. Shares lost 9.5 per cent.

Neurovive reported positive study results for the drug candidate Neurostat®, intended for the prevention of brain damage, and the share rushed 23 per cent.

Kopparbergs brewery increased its operating profit from 39 to 41 million in the first quarter, after a growth from 350 to 362 million. The share reacted positively with a rise of 10 per cent on the NGM.

Listgrannen Sarsys Scandinavian Airport and Road Systems, lifted 61 per cent after an award decision from the Swedish defence materiel administration worth more than 19 million. The company’s market capitalization is sek 42 million after the rise.

The Marketing Group, listed on First North, rose 8% to 0:61 per share, then the ceo bought 300.000 shares.

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By: Michael Andersson for Tradingportalen/Agency Directly.
Questions and comments always welcome in the newsroom[at]

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