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Marceleon, a new player in the engineering and legal land tenure for communities and master…

Founded by Amandine Garand, a lawyer relying on an experience of over 10 years in the management of the procedures of territorial projects, and Ingrid Bourgeois, who accompanied him on legal assistance, and land tenure, the firm Marceleon is also a deputy to the experience of a former mayor of a rural town and a former lawyer in Clermont-Ferrand, Thierry Chassaing, in the capacity of senior advisor.

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· Locally based in Chambéry, to accompany the actors of the region-Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, Marceleon intervenes at a national level already counting two dozen active customers throughout France. The firm will continue to strengthen its territorial network by opening a branch in Paris by the end of the year.

Chambery, June 20, 2017. Specialists supporting public and private operators in their development projects of the territory, Amandine Garand and Ingrid Bourgeois desired, with the creation of Marceleon, put the whole of their range of skills in the service of the territories and their development.
The firm, fully dedicated to the problems of legal engineering, and land, is addressed to public actors such as the EPIC (Etablissements Publics à caractère Industriel et Commercial), communes, communities of communes, regional councils, départements, communautés d’agglomération, but also private builders and contractors, private developers, particularly in the infrastructure, real estate, transport infrastructure, energy sector and the environment…). It intervenes in particular to their sides advice and legal assistance in the conduct of their procedures of land management, as well as in the writing/publication of their acts and administrative formalities.
With already a score of active customers since its inception, Marceleon intervenes, among others, with the common Morzine-Avoriaz (Haute-Savoie), the company Nexity, or in partnership with the teams of the office of origin lyonnaise Iddest with the SM3A (Syndicat mixte d’aménagement Arve and its tributaries – Haute-Savoie).
For Amandine Garand, co-founder of Marceleon : “Marceleon is born from the desire to propose a new approach to responding to legal issues and land tenure for communities such as private operators, combining a high level of expertise, quality of service and proximity. Strongly implanted in Auvergne, Rhône-Alpes, we want to duplicate our know-how in other regions and in particular in Ile-de-France, in order to accompany our clients throughout France for all of their legal issues and land “.
3 professionals for a humane approach of legal issues and land tenure

In addition to the expertise provided by its two associated foundresses, Marceleon wants to strengthen the support of its customers in terms of resolution of files and complex situations. The firm relies on the experience of Thierry Chassaing, in the capacity of senior advisor. A lawyer for 30 years at the bar of Clermont-Ferrand, the latter has also held numerous positions community and government, particularly as mayor and vice-president of a community of municipalities in the Auvergne region. His perfect knowledge of the workings of administrative and legal expertise allow Marceleon to bring experience and risk control to all of its customers.

“Beyond the passion we have for our business which allows us to meet, all the days, of administrative situations, sometimes grotesque, we wanted, creating our firm, place the human as well as the proximity to the heart of the projects land use. This is why we have chosen the name Marceleon, combination of two first names encountered in a file for the least original. Although marking for its administrative features, we have been able to unravel the complexity to enable the realization of this project in the service of a local community “, concludes Ingrid Bourgeois, co-founder of Marceleon.


A lawyer by training, Amandine Garand, 35, is a partner and co-founder of the firm Marceleon.
Holds a master in law (University Paris II Panthéon Assas), Amandine started her career in 2005 as a condominium within the agency, GSI real Estate to Moûtiers (73), before joining as a consultant the consulting firm, Iddest as a consultant in 2006, where she specialized in the Law of the land-use planning. She joined the notary office Bannay & Falcy in 2007 as a law clerk to a notary before returning in 2010 the teams Iddest in quality of consultant partner, taking the direction of the office of Chambéry.
For more than 10 years, she leads many projects with communities and contractors to the local and national levels. It develops recognized expertise, notably within the administration and a specialization in urban planning procedures in the mountains.
In 2017, with Ingrid Bourgeois, she co-founded Marceleon, office of engineering and legal land tenure.

Ingrid Bourgeois, aged 43, is a partner and co-founder of the firm Marceleon.
Ingrid has served in many functions of the association, particularly in the area of education, for fifteen years before joining in 2014 the law firm of origin lyonnaise Iddest as chargée de mission, alongside Amandine Garand, leader of the office of Chambéry. She co-founded in 2017, with the latter, the office of legal engineering and land Marceleon.
Ingrid accompanies for several years the public and private actors in their development projects of the territory. She is specifically in charge of dossiers of legal assistance and land, and in particular to : editorial and publications act, conduct of amicable negotiation, the procedures for the property vacant and without a master /expropriation procedures, patrimonial research.

Thierry Chassaing, 67 years old, is a senior advisor to the firm Marceleon.
Former lawyer registered at the bar of Clermont-Ferrand, he founded and managed for 30 years with a law firm.
Thierry Chassaing has also taken many public functions and associations as a director and secretary-general of the UDAF63 (Union Départementale des Associations Familiales du Puy-de-Dome), legal director of a foundation in paris but also mayor of a rural commune chef-lieu of canton, president of a union association and vice-president of a community of communes in the Puy-de-Dôme (63).
Strong of his experience and his legal expertise, he is involved in Marceleon in the capacity of senior advisor, in particular on complex cases.

About Marceleon
Founded in 2017 in Chambéry by Amandine Garand and Ingrid Bourgeois, Marceleon is a firm of legal engineering and land which accompanies the communities as the owners of public and private in their projects and issues related to the territories, both in the local and national level : advice and legal assistance in the conduct of their procedures of land management and in the writing/publication of their acts and administrative formalities.

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