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Klesia is launching the Circle of the company and the general interest

Paris, may 29, 2017 – based on the results of the second edition of the Observatory of the General Interest, Klesia launches the Circle of the Company and of the General Interest. While more than 7 out of 10 French feel that companies need to do more to intervene on subjects related to the general interest, the social protection group has decided to gather emblematic personalities of the professional world. Objective : to discuss, debate, identify and highlight the initiatives of the most innovative in the field of general interest.

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Christian Schmidt of The Brélie, Director-General of Klesia said : “as a group of social protection close to businesses, we had the intuition that they were working already for the general interest. Thanks to the recent results of our Observatory of general Interest, we have now the conviction. This is no longer the prerogative of the State and of public authorities. Respect of the parity men/women or tax obligations, improve the daily work through the solutions of guards, transport, accompanying personalised health… The citizens ‘ expectations towards companies are increasingly large. The perception of companies is changing and more than half of the French now wish they play a more important role for the common good. And the evolution of French companies on these issues is remarkable, and some are even pioneering. With the creation of this Circle we want to identify, distinguish and encourage a process of virtue for all. ”

Emblematic personalities from the world of business
The Circle of the company and of the general interest account eleven women and men embodying the diversity of the entrepreneurial landscape French. It is made up of business leaders who share the vision of the importance of the company in the implementation of the general interest.
They are the offspring of the new economy as Axel Dauchez, founder of (platform of lobbying citizen), Eric Leandri founder and ceo of Qwant (French search engine guaranteeing the privacy of internet users), Ludovic Le Moan, founder and Chairman of Sigfox (French start-up specialized in connected objects), Myriam Maestroni, president of energy Saving (start-up in this area), Virginie Seghers, president, Prophil (a specialist in the field of social entrepreneurship and the new philanthropy), or structures that are already well established, such as Philippe Salle, Chairman and Chief executive officer of Elior, Nicolas Sekkaki, President, IBM France, Sébastien Bazin, Chairman and ceo of Accor, Thibault Lanxade, President of the company Algolinked, vice-president of the Medef, in charge of TPE-SMES and Jean-Claude Labrune, chairman of Cegedim.
This Circle wants to be the voice of a new perception of the company and of the companies. Its vocation is to generate new initiatives in favour of the general interest.

Spotlight on the initiatives of the most innovative
The members of the Circle have a mission to identify initiatives with the most innovative companies in the general interest, through 5 major themes dear to the French : employment, education and training, health, safety, and the environment. In partnership with BFM Business and Le Journal du Dimanche, five shows are scheduled until the month of October to offer them a spotlight in the media. The structures chosen present themselves and spend their “grand oral” in front of the members of the Circle. On October 19, an award ceremony of the Enterprise and the General interest will reward the best initiatives in each category.

Observatory of the General Interest : the French are convinced of the role of business
Launched in 2016, the Observatory of General Interest emphasised the attachment of the French in favour of the general interest in spite of a discourse on the growing individualism.
Update sometime in April via a survey Viavoice*, the edition 2017 shows a clear evolution of the perception of the French on the role of business. While they were only 28 % expect a corporate commitment to the general interest, they are today more than half to rely on them to defend the common good, believing that the general interest and private are compatible.
73 % believe that in the coming years the business world will have to intervene more on issues related to the general interest through very concrete actions (creation of jobs, involvement in primary and secondary education and training of employees to risks related to terrorism or cyber-safety, prevention, health, mode of production and circuits of distribution that is respectful of the environment…)
*Investigation Viavoice conducted from 13 to 18 April with a sample of 1 018 people representative of the French population, aged 18 years and over. Survey available here

About KLESIA :
Complementary health, welfare and retirement : these are the professions of the Social Protection Group Klesia, which has also placed the prevention and social innovation at the heart of its strategy, as well as dependence, social action and the services to the person. Established in July 2012, Klesia is present everywhere in France and particularly with professional services. Its key figures : 3 200 people ; 300 000 client companies ; 3 million people covered by health insurance and 8.9 billion euros of total turnover.
More information on and twitter @Klesia

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