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Guillaume Pepy : “My deep conviction is that SNCF needs to reinvent itself “

For nearly thirty years that I have been working within the world of the railwaymen. More than thirty years that I measure every day the tremendous commitment of these men and these women, who contribute to one of the most beautiful freedoms we have : to come and go.

To tell the railwaymen that they are privileged it is not only a huge mistake, but it is also deeply unfair to them and the service that they render every day to the community.

I know of few privileged that are the three-eight, who work regularly on Sundays and holidays, regardless of the weather conditions. I don’t know of any plants that come in every day contact with thousands of customers, sometimes in difficult circumstances. I do not know the selfish, who have returned to their place of work outside of their schedules, to deliver the service on and assist passengers in the event of a crisis.

With this commitment, the pride, and it is this that has most impressed the prime minister and the minister of transport when they are gone, just recently, to exchange and talk with the railroaders.

And, since it is a reminder of a few truths, here are the facts. No, there is no premium coal to the station. No, the railwaymen do not have twenty-eight days of RTT. No, the railway workers do not work thirty-two hours per week. No, there is no bonus no bonus in our business. What exists, on the other hand, are employees committed to the service of clients. Aggressive when it needs to do to win their business. And that have in common a deep sense of public service.

“The identity of the SNCF, it is the excellence of the railway ”

Once again, remember the facts : if our rail system has weaknesses — that there is an urgent need to deal with — he also has big successes. The report prepared by Jean-Cyril Spinetta has…

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