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General meetings GAUSSIN SA, 15 June 2017 : reminder of the rules for the vote by correspondan…

Referral forms prior to June 12, 2017 at the latest

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The shareholders of the company GAUSSIN SA are invited to attend the annual General Meeting to be held on 15 June at 10.30 a.m. at the registered office of the company GAUSSIN, sis 11 street of the 47th Regiment of Artillery, 70 400 Héricourt, Haute-Saône (see opinion BALO may 10, 2017).

Formalities of voting by correspondence and voting by proxy

In order to give the company GAUSSIN the legal tools to continue its development, all the shareholders of the company are called to return the single form to vote by correspondence if they cannot be present or a power of attorney*. The form is available here :

The completed forms must be accompanied by a certificate of holding of bearer securities GAUSSIN SA established by your bank or your financial intermediary. The forms must be sent before 12 June 2017 to address GAUSSIN SA, 11, rue of the 47th Regiment of Artillery, 70400 HERICOURT or by email at the following address :

Voting forms for General Meetings of the holders of the BSARS, BSA 2016 and BSA 2016 NC, also organized the June 15, 2017, are accessible below.

The objectives of the General Assemblies

The ordinary General Meeting of GAUSSIN SA is called to decide on the approval of the accounts for the year ended December 31, 2016, and on the allocation of the results. The Extraordinary General Assembly is called to vote on the resolutions proposed by the Board of directors relating to the following projects :

Simplification of the Group structure
Delegations to the Board of directors for the implementation of capital increases needed to finance the growth
Clearance of the carried forward negative by reducing the nominal value of the share
Modification of the conditions of exercise of the BSARS, BSA 2016 and BSA 2016NC
The full text of the resolutions contained in the annex to the single document to vote by correspondence or by proxy. The reports of the board of directors are available on the website of the company : topic : FINANCIAL INFORMATION/PUBLICATIONS FINANCIAL/FIND ALL OUR PUBLICATIONS FINANCIAL CLASSIFIED/2017.

The annual accounts and the management reports are available on the website of the company : topic : FINANCIAL INFORMATION/PUBLICATIONS FINANCIAL/FIND ALL OUR PUBLICATIONS FINANCIAL CLASSIFIED/2016.

Forms for the 4 General Meetings

· Mixed AG, annual ordinary and extraordinary, June 15, at 10: 30 a.m.,

· You can find the resolutions and the form for voting by correspondence or by power of attorney* to the following address :


· AG of the holders of Warrants to purchase Redeemable Shares (BSARS) on 15 June to 14 hours,

· You can find the resolutions and the form for voting by correspondence or by power of attorney* to the following address :


· AG of the holders of Share Subscription warrants in 2016 BSA (2016) on 15 June at 14: 45

· You can find the resolutions and the form for voting by correspondence or by power of attorney* to the following address :


· AG of the holders of Warrants to purchase Shares 2016NC BSA (2016 NC) on 15 June at 15: 30 hrs.

· You can find the resolutions and the form for voting by correspondence or by power of attorney* to the following address :


You will find on the internet site templates to complete your voting form by correspondence according to the following choices (in all cases, fill in the frames C and D do not forget to sign the form) :

You wish to attend the meeting. You must request a proof of ownership of securities GAUSSIN recent to your bank, contents of your securities account. Select the check box A. see Model 1 to download at the following address :

You vote by correspondence because you can’t attend the meeting on June 15, 2017 10 : 30 am:

· Fill the form : Tick the box (b). see Model 2 to download at the following address :

Tick box B1 if you vote by correspondence.

Ø B1a : You vote ” YES ” or NOT by filling in the boxes. You can also abstain,

Ø B1c : here You can specify how to vote if new resolutions were presented.

You wish to give a proxy to vote at the meeting is to be held :

· you want to give proxy to the Chairman of the Assembly select the Check boxes for B, and B2, see Model 3 download at the following address :

· you want to give authority to another person(*) please Tick the boxes B, and B3 and indicate his name and address see Model 4 to download at the following address :

(*) the recipient of your power of attorney may only be a shareholder of the company GAUSSIN, your spouse or your partner (PACS we need to justify its quality).

· it is possible not to designate the beneficiary (box B checked only) ; it is to be noted that in this case, the power of attorney wins a vote in favour of adopting the draft resolutions submitted and/or approved by the board of directors and against the adoption of all other proposals.

Next appointment


MEETINGS OF the HOLDERS BSAR/BSA 2016/BSA 2016 NC on June 15, 2017

TOC EUROPE in Amsterdam from 27 to 29 June 2017


GAUSSIN MANUGISTIQUE® is specialized in the audit of the material handling process and the realization of systems on wheels for the placement and transport of heavy, large or delicate. With more than 50 000 vehicles handling across the world, GAUSSIN Manugistique enjoys a strong reputation in four booming markets : Energy, Transportation, Environment and Raw Materials. GAUSSIN MANUGISTIQUE® is listed on Alternext since 16 June 2010.The shares GAUSSIN are listed since 20 July 2012, on the group rating E2 (public Offer), since obtaining AMF Visa n°12-360 dated 17/07/12 on the Prospectus, available free of charge on

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