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Facebook, Twitter, Tesla, Nvidia… storm warning on the FAANG

Chronic. Americans like acronyms, that ring, those the shape of which is joined the sense. The BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) are reflected in the patient construction of the emerging powers, the GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon) described the appetite without limit of stars of the Net. Has Wall Street at the moment, it speaks only of FAANG, which together have roughly the same players, plus Netflix, but whose only statement is now afraid. In English, fang recalls the hook of the snake or the canines of the vampire.

This Tuesday, march 27, will remain marked as a black day for the major us tech stocks. In a single session, Facebook dropped 5 %, Amazon 4 %, Netflix 6 %, Tesla’s 8 % and Twitter almost 12 %. In the end of the session, the Nasdaq index of technology stocks, has lost nearly 3 %, bringing in its wake the New York stock Exchange and major indices such as the S&P 500 has lost 1.7 per cent. In the aftermath, the asian equity markets have taken over the fear of technology.

The virus of the doubt

Anxiety sudden raising the threat of a reversal in the stock market major, after nine years of almost uninterrupted growth, one of the longest cycles in recent history. Since march 2009, at the worst moment of the crisis, the S&P 500 rose by nearly 300 %. The average value of the companies listed in the United States has been multiplied by four in less than ten years. Hence the pervasive sense that this unique celebration is nearing its end. And as always, these are investments that are more risky, and more promising, which clink glasses the first.

It took the conjunction of two events without a direct link to spread the virus of the doubt. On 17 march, broke the case Cambridge Analytica, the scandal of the use for political purposes the personal data of 50 million american subscribers of Facebook. The defence of awkward Mark Zuckerberg, claiming his good faith and asking…

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