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“Do we forbid not full benefits of the economic growth prospects of the “blockchain” “

Forum. The chain of blocks (” blockchain “) opens up new horizons for the collaborative economy.. The French companies wishing to exploit this potential, however, have other choice than to go into exile in neighbouring european countries. Because they are unable to open bank accounts to our credit institutions, who see in this technology that the risks of money laundering and links with criminal activities.

the system allows individuals to transfer money as easily as sending an e-mail or SMS

In addition to reducing costs, the chain of blocks allows individuals to transfer money in a crowdfunding or in exchange of a good or a service, or as simply as sending an e-mail or SMS. The decentralization of this transfer extends the scope of the collaborative economy. and not to any intermediary who would fix the prices or other terms of trade.

Take the case of the share of renewable energy. In France, many homes are equipped with solar panels and devices of wind power. The surplus of a household producer is sold to EDF, which allocates to other households in deciding all the terms and conditions of trade (price, volume, schedule, affected households, etc). The chain of blocks allows to decentralize the market for such conditions must be directly chosen by the users.

A household equipped with a device to wind energy can provide to homes surrounding his surplus energy in accordance with its own tariff conditions. Another may make a purchase offer for a maximum price of eur 0.14 per kilowatt-hour over a period of its choice (schedule or specific season).

Easily adjustable

Thanks to contracts recorded on the chain of blocks, the terms of trade can be easily set up, without any limit. A syndicate of co-owners may propose…

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