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Cyber-threats : FireEye joined the commission AFNOR to standardize best practices

FireEye, Inc. (NASDAQ: FEYE), the leader of the network security based on intelligence, joined the standardization committee AFNOR to share his expertise on prevention, detection and treatment of new cyber-threats.

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Smes, SMIS and large French firms are all faced with these new problems attack the complex and targeted. The wealth of information French makes the domestic market attractive for attackers who want to loot intellectual property, or in a different approach to those who wish to earn money by extorting funds through, for example, attacks by ransomware or rançongiciel.
In parallel to the adoption of the Cloud, new uses, tools, communications, portable, induce new risks are not always mastered by the SMES SMIS that lack of training and support on these topics from experts. This is in order to meet these national challenges that FireEye decided to take an active part in the standardisation work of AFNOR on the subject of cyber-threats.
David Grout, Technical Director Europe Of the South of FireEye has desired by this action make the subject understandable and accessible to all sizes of structures and issue structural box in which FireEye is proud to be involved. The work carried out by AFNOR, the organization specializes of voluntary standards, began in 2016. They will continue this year with the objective to publish a report on good practices in 2017.
AFNOR states about this : “Participate directly in the development of normative documents, it is help to define shared rules in your area. It is building a powerful lever to guide the market in favour of practices that you seem to be preferable. ”
Sylvie Arbouy, head of the project within AFNOR, launched a call for applications there are a few week and mentioned that “there is still time to register to join the community of experts to work on a good practice guide, document that may be worn at a european level ” in which David Grout has clearly expressed its commitment to this standard and stated that “part of the evolution of the understanding of the threats in our country is more than a challenge, it is a positioning citizen and we are proud to renew our commitment to this level with AFNOR”.
The list of members, AFNOR on new threats :
About FireEye :
FireEye is the security specialist network based on the intelligence. Functioning as a seamless extension and extensible security operations client network, FireEye offers a unique platform that combines security technologies with innovative building intelligence on the threats of the government, and the consulting services Mandiant world-renowned. Thanks to this approach, FireEye eliminates the complexity and efforts related to cyber security for organizations having difficulties to anticipate, prevent and respond to cyber attacks. FireEye has over 5600 customers in 67 countries, including over 40% of companies listed in the Forbes Global 2000.

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