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Continues the warmth of the Home Program

Continues the warmth of the Home Program, September 21 from tender may be submitted to the gázkonvektor replacement – said Szabó Zsolt, the ministry of National development (NLM) development and climate policy and priority public responsible to the secretary of the M1 current channel Thursday morning show.

Tell that to the gázkonvektor the exchange of about 1.5 billion available, the national framework for population proportion region has been divided into.

The support is eligible to apply and every property has a Hungarian citizen, who can verify that you have gázkonvektor.

The can be won through grants of 80 percent, a convector to exchange a maximum of 120 thousand, more than one device of up to 500 thousand huf.

Addressed to the warmth of the Home Program, major domestic appliances to replace close to 50 thousand applications were received so far, half-and-half in proportion to the ones you’re after refrigerator and washing machine.

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