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Carrefour and Fnac Darty talking about an alliance in order to pool their purchases

“We are conducting discussions with the Fnac for the pooling of purchases, as we do with other actors, but there is nothing conclusive at this point” : Carrefour confirmed on Friday 1st December, the information of BFM Business, which announced on its website that the distribution group was negotiating with Fnac Darty an agreement to pool their purchases in electronic products and appliances. Exchanges have also taken place between the Fnac Darty and its shareholder, German Ceconomy (ex-Metro), which has acquired 24.3% of his capital last summer, according to BFM Business.

Talks between Carrefour and Fnac are not new, but the former CEO of the group, Georges Plassat, did not want to hear talk of an alliance. Therefore, they have taken over since the arrival, in July, Alexandre Bompard, head of Carrefour. This alliance should not be part of the strategic plan that the Fnac will reveal the 5 December, more than eighteen months after the acquisition of Darty.

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