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Buzyn announcement more than a billion euros of savings in the drug

Two days before the presentation of the draft law of financing social security (PLFSS2018), we begin to see more clearly. Agnès Buzyn, the minister of Solidarity and of Health announced at the microphone of RMC on Tuesday morning that “more than one billion euros of savings” will be based on drugs (more than 4 billion euros of savings referred to the total).

Watermark, she explains that this is done principally by the use of more recurrent to generic and lower prices. “It’s going to require considerable effort to industry, to health professionals to promote the prescription of generics.” Agnès Buzyn says that the French will contribute also to the decrease of the expenditure of the sickness Insurance. They “must be reasonable, because they now consume too much medication”.

Coaster, announced on the sale of drugs to the unit ?

The sale of drugs to the unit, as Emmanuel Macron had mentioned during the presidential campaign for cost savings, should not be the order of the day. It is a “complex idea”, argued the minister. Because with this system “there is a risk of losing the traceability of the drug.” Agnès Buzyn said to wait for the return of an experiment conducted in Britain to take a decision on this issue.

The effort required by the industry médicamentera-t-it more important than in 2017 ? Not necessarily so . In cash and increased sales of generic, price declines, a fund for the financing of innovation, and the indirect contributions, the savings exceeded blithely billion euros. The Leem, the primary pharmaceutical lobby, the estimated 1.7 billion euros, or nearly half of the savings included in the PLFSS 2017.

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