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Bernard Thibault, former-number 1 of the CGT : “The strike of the railwaymen of interest-general “

Forum. What do they think of number of technocrats, the mobilization of the railwaymen door the general interest. Like other generations before them, they were indignant, and rightly, of the humiliation to which they are victims in an attempt to better hide prospects far-reaching consequences for the country and its population. They want to defend the design of the public service that is the identity of the SNCF and to resist the spinning of the social rights.

In a few days, the president of the Republic is based on a report prepared on command to start a revolution in the organization of the railway transport and the status of its staff. Process that will be provided by ordinances depriving the citizens of the time and arguments to form their own opinion.

Regardless of whether Emmanuel Macron has not said a word about it during his electoral campaign. The emergency is here ! The SNCF ” costs more money “for a service” is deteriorating “, said prime minister Edouard Philippe.

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The main remedies recommended by the surgeon-in-chief : change of status of the company, opening of passenger transport to competition, the end of recruitment of the personnel to the status. These are ads that pose as a cure of horse, but rather than to heal the sick is likely to condemn it quickly. Deliberately the diagnosis is truncated, so it is no surprise that the prescription can be dangerous.

This being the SNCF belongs to the nation, and it is legitimate for citizens to have knowledge of the issues and possible options.

The SNCF is curiously the only company where there is a request to the responsible of the origin of chess to define the actions to get out of. The minister of transport Elizabeth Terminal, for years at the direction of the strategy of the SNCF, at the side of its president and CEO, has certainly…

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